Report a bug Insert HTML not working at all

I am trying to add code for a pop up chat module. The code needs to be inserted before the BODY tag. When I add it to the page Properties additional head HTML it does not save it. I have tried it and...
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Latest By Support Team

27 May 2020

Started 25 May 2020 by spongebob

Wishlist Нет возможности назначить на кнопку выполнение HTML кода.

На сколько я понял на созданную кнопку можно назначить только ссылку. И совершенно нет возможности назначить выполнение HTML кода. А часто встречается задача например сделать кнопку обратного...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2020

Started 10 June 2020 by Nicko

Wishlist HTML - Pop-up window

Hello Team, is there any way to have a pop up window that gently opens sliding down instead of a pop up window that suddenly springs up when clicking the link? thanks for you help xtian
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Latest By Support Team

11 June 2020

Started 11 June 2020 by cinquestan

Ask a Question Creating a sticky table of contents

Hello I am fairly new to Nicepage. I want to use Nicepage to create nice looking online documentations for my company's software. One of our wishes for that is to have a sticky table of contents on...
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Latest By Support Team

17 June 2020

Started 16 June 2020 by jb175

Ask a Question Any opportunity to create interactive HTML5 banner ad (for Google Ads and other platforms)?

Hello Nicepage, I would like to ask you, if there is an opportunity, to create using Nicepage desktop application an interactive banner for e.g. Google Ads? I would like to be able reach some ad, that...
2 Replies
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Latest By michal84

22 June 2020

Started 21 June 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question Using html template in a Visual Studio 2019 Dotnet Core project

Hi. Do you have any guidelines what the best way is to use Nicepage html template in Visual Studio project using dotnet core. Regards, Einar
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 June 2020

Started 27 June 2020 by einar9

Ask a Question Pages, Posts, Blogs, Templates in HTML site

Hi, I am having a hard time getting my head around the concept of pages, posts, blogs and their themes. This is about a plain HTML site I want to build. So I have configured a post template and a blog...
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Latest By Support Team

30 June 2020

Started 28 June 2020 by ik

Ask a Question SEO and HTML meta tag question.

Could you please add a video or info about SEO and HTML, explain what the difference is and how to add the keywords in SEO so that they appear in the proper place in the code.
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2020

Started 05 July 2020 by morcol12

Ask a Question Исчезают данные в полях HTML и CSS

Доброго времени! Мой руководитель по рекламе дал мне задание Установить Google Менеджер тегов в таком виде: Скопируйте приведенный ниже код и вставьте его на каждую страницу сайта. Вставьте этот...
5 Replies
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Latest By andre-genie

14 July 2020

Started 06 July 2020 by andre-genie

Report a bug index html showing up blank on my server

ok, so I bought a license this morning. With the free version, the HTML code worked locally and on my server. Now, with the licensed software, the HTML code works locally, but not from my server....
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

20 July 2020

Started 15 July 2020 by michael4622

Ask a Question Why on help menu old help only?

I want add html in Head. In editor not avaliable =Additional head html=, but in HELP it's include anywhere... 1. Where new HELP? 2. How add html in HEAD?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 July 2020

Started 16 July 2020 by s-effect

Ask a Question Export HTML is now for paid only?

So, I've used Nicepage now 3 times in total, last time I was using it could be 2 months ago. Now I've noticed, that the Export Function, what was the only good thing besides those other...
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Latest By Support Team

30 July 2020

Started 24 July 2020 by ext.sypher

Ask a Question Current year via scrip

Hi, if you look at my website, at the bottom of thr page, I have a Copyright message with tbe current year. I don’t know how to add scripting to my page instead of doing it outside...
16 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By DixQue

05 September 2020

Started 24 July 2020 by heybigal

Ask a Question export as html and use in django

Hey, When I am exporting my page from the desktop version as an HTML, I push it to git and the HTML works. But when I use all the folder in my django project, the static files do not work. Django...
7 Replies
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28 April 2021

Started 27 July 2020 by genadym

Ask a Question No CSS in my HTML

Why doesn't my download have a CSS file?
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2020

Started 28 July 2020 by homedigest