Wishlist HTML Email too basic

I think it would be a good idea to add more configuration options for the email. I'm concerned that the current email options for HTML url email will create spam. I would like to see some PHP option...
8 Replies
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Latest By adrian

19 December 2018

Started 15 September 2018 by Me jay

Ask a Question What are the variable names assigned after using the mail form in the HTML design section?

What are the variable names assigned after using the mail form in the HTML design section? I want to pass email to a PHP script to send email.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 September 2018

Started 15 September 2018 by Me jay

Ask a Question HTML Only Site remove Blog & Post Templates

How do you delete the default Blog & Post Templates from a project. I'm doing a straight html site and don't require these and want them out of the list of pages in the dashboard.
2 Replies
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Latest By jm1gteam

10 August 2022

Started 26 September 2018 by Chae

Ask a Question SEO?

Hi, since SEO is increasingly important, does Nicepage have an additional HTML header section? Have a nice day Walt
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Latest By Support Team

22 August 2019

Started 08 November 2018 by wdege

Ask a Question HTML Animation & scripting

Hi! I know you are working on including animations. But I am wondering if there will be a way to also include an HTML 5 animation created by something like Google Web Designer. It would be great to...
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Latest By Support Team

20 November 2018

Started 16 November 2018 by rpoy

Ask a Question import html site themler

It is possible to import a html page from themler?
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 November 2019

Started 16 November 2018 by kontakt52

Wishlist Need NicePage to be able a page from HTML where the html is on the local harddrive.

I have tried to import an HTML site for page creation, but the HTML files are on my local drive. Nicepage will not import unless the URL is HTTP. Would like a request that the ability to import HTML...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

22 November 2018

Started 19 November 2018 by ljordan2

Ask a Question How to export the Project?

Hi, working with Windows App latest version. Creating an HTML website. If I try to export it (ZIP or Folder), the option "Include Nice Project" is disabled. I need it, how can I fix it? thanks in...
2 Replies
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Latest By mediaware.tv2

14 December 2018

Started 14 December 2018 by mediaware.tv2

Ask a Question animate.css library added to html

After I create a page using Nicepage, the page source includes the entire animate.css -http://daneden.me/animate this makes up lines 30 - 14289 of the html source. This seems like overkill to me! I...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2019

Started 19 February 2019 by marcus60

Ask a Question HTML - Contact form - Submit

Hi, I made a simple HTML website with a contact form. I have a PHP script on my server that correctly sends an e-mail. However, no matter, what I do, the form on the website gives an error message....
16 Replies
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Latest By huter.huter

01 May 2023

Started 28 February 2019 by AlexVelchev

Ask a Question PHP-Error

hi, after uploading the site I have php error in the script from <?php echo "semikolon fehlt"?> is automatically <?php echo &quot;semikolon fehlt&quot;?> What can I...
14 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 November 2019

Started 01 March 2019 by camjup

Ask a Question Image Importing and switching from Wordpress design to HTML design

Currently using the Nicepage image importer we can only import one image at a time. This of course makes the program very slow to use. Will this be corrected in future versions. Also in desktop when...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2019

Started 03 March 2019 by Web-Aztec

Ask a Question Managing the title attribute & html file names

If I have a website for say, ABC Corporation that has three pages: the main page is index.html and there is a page for team.html and services.html. How do I get "ABC Corporation" in the title tag of...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 April 2020

Started 04 March 2019 by ss71

Ask a Question Is it posible to create "Pre-made" sections or blocks to distribute paid or free for Nicepage?

Are there specifications for people who would like to create their own block packages to distribute for free or sell? Like for example to make easier to add some types of sections or blocks (like HTML...
5 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

04 September 2019

Started 20 March 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question exportacion de html

Por que cuando exporto la web, cuando la subo a mi servidor, no se ve el logotipo que pongo?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 April 2019

Started 05 April 2019 by Jordi Bonet