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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2021

Started 20 January 2020 by grkmozclk

Report a bug Unable to export the folder with project files

Hello, I just downloaded Nicepage to test it. As far as I read on this page (https://nicepage.com/premium) there is a STARTER plan which allows creating 1 Site with 5 Pages and also allows "Desktop...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2020

Started 21 January 2020 by devy6

Ask a Question export htm

I need to overwrite old pages in htm what can I do?
6 Replies
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Latest By Jeff Hartley

17 September 2020

Started 22 January 2020 by info2021

Ask a Question Exporting Project from Joomla Website

I have created a theme and set of pages in Nicepage Desktop Business Edition. I exported the site for Joomla to a ZIP file, included the Theme, Pages and Editor Plugin, and Nicepage Project. After...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 October 2022

Started 23 January 2020 by gheino2

Ask a Question nice page doesnt export

Hello, i have created my website but now when im trying to export it, it gives me an error after loading 8% with saying : An error occured. Reload nicepage and then it restarts the nicepage and thats...
3 Replies
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28 January 2020

Started 25 January 2020 by sandrakarmet1

Ask a Question Are NicePage's exports compatible with Marketplace plugins like in Artisteer? Compatile with PHP, Ebay, ASP.NET, etc?

Hello NicePage, Yes, we are aware about NicePage's ability to export to WordPress, Jooma, HTML and, to a JPEG image, but, my question by using NicePage ' can we export to MarketPlace like Artisteer...
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03 February 2020

Started 02 February 2020 by inconnecticut2

Ask a Question Export

Is it possible to "Export" my website to another user? In other words; Can my client take my design (pages and all) over to his computer (he has Nicepage too) and work on corrections from there?
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03 February 2020

Started 03 February 2020 by allesmetletters

Ask a Question Hyperlink (Same site page) inside Grid not working in Chrome (Export HTML)

I have a grid of 4x1, each cell contains an image. Each image has a hyperlink associated to a page on same site. None of the hyperlinks work in Chrome, they do work in EDGE. Exporting as std HTML.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2020

Started 04 February 2020 by steve365

Report a bug Import/Export

Hallo, ich habe bereits ein Hosting für ein Jahr, aber leider funktioniert der Import von der Nicepage-App nicht. Einmal hat es funktionert, beim ersten Mal. Ich versuchte es auf verschiedenen...
4 Replies
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Latest By TypoMedia

12 February 2020

Started 08 February 2020 by TypoMedia

Ask a Question Different options for export and import themes and pages

Trying to understand the various export and import functions in WordPress... In Nicepage for Desktop, the following export options are available: Theme Theme Colors and Typography, Header with...
2 Replies
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Latest By iclickprofit

09 March 2020

Started 13 February 2020 by Alan Henness

Ask a Question I exported my nice page to Joomla I need to make a change on the footer but I cant make any edit where it is that located.

I exported my nice page to Joomla I need to make a change on the footer but I can't make any edit where it is that located. How do i edit the footer once I exported it to Joomla and where in Joomla...
3 Replies
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17 February 2020

Started 14 February 2020 by designtryx

Ask a Question Export Changes from Life Joomla

Hello, i want to build a Website in the Windows Desktop application then export to Joomla. Now i found, that each change in life Site has to be done with the Nicepage plugin. It would be essential,...
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2020

Started 16 February 2020 by mueller7

Ask a Question theme export

hello why i only can export this theme this two options. I Nicepage app i can use alll.
3 Replies
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21 February 2020

Started 20 February 2020 by leonhartje882

Ask a Question Show/Hide sections with toggle

Hello Is there a way to implement a show/hide toggle for sections or grids within sections? I have got a web built with nicepage and need to add a lot more sections/grids on few pages and really need...
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Latest By Support Team

25 February 2020

Started 21 February 2020 by nenad.petrovic2

Ask a Question Export from a wordpress website

hello, Is there any way to export the project from a wordpress site (created with nicepage), and edit with a desktop nicepage app?
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By MerlinAZ

11 April 2021

Started 23 February 2020 by iqpersonal2