Ask a Question How to build nicepage layout on top of Artisteer template

I have some Artisteer templates that give me the colours and backgrounds that I want, but I'd like to take advantage of the section and grid layout functions of Nicepage. Is there a method (other...
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Latest By Support Team

24 January 2019

Started 23 January 2019 by gigabit07

Ask a Question Resposiveness of Ready To Use Templates A Mess

Is it just me or do others have the same experience? The ready to use templates look awesome, but once you have a look at it in responsive view it is a mess of jumbled elements. Most are almost...
13 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 26 January 2019 by Christie G

Ask a Question Tried everything to avoid Max file upload 3MB error... to no avail.

What can I do... with Wordpress plugin I keep getting the Max File Upload 3MB error. I tried everything: in htaccess, in functions.php, with a plugin. Nothing helps. Wordpress Media says max file size...
12 Replies
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Latest By eldoradomedia

15 October 2020

Started 27 January 2019 by eldoradomedia

Ask a Question Does not allow to delete websites

When using the product nicepage, websites cannot be deleted when you click delete. Is this a bug with the software?
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 January 2019

Started 28 January 2019 by perry15

Ask a Question A roadmap for Nicepage?

I would like to see a clear roadmap for Nicepage. Which features are currently being implemented and by when can we expect them to be ready? A clear roadmap will bring in new users and not frustrate...
16 Replies
10 Votes

Latest By Vitaliy WD

27 December 2019

Started 29 January 2019 by pietercooreman

Ask a Question min-height is driving me nuts :p

Hi Guys Getting deeper and deeper into NP as I try to integrate it with my ASP and DB code. One thing that is driving me NUTS is the min-height. Q: Is there a way you could choose to just...
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Latest By Support Team

30 January 2019

Started 30 January 2019 by El Shay

Ask a Question my first nicepage this is pure nicepage, no cms involved. i use sections, and for each section, i use a video background, but instead of a video, an iframe with an HTML Canvas is...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

31 January 2019

Started 30 January 2019 by pietercooreman

Wishlist Semi-transparent header

You now have the option for a colored or a transparent header. It would be very nice to have a 50% transparent header, so that the header (and menu) is less present, but still stands out a little from...
9 Replies
20 Votes

Latest By Support Team

18 September 2019

Started 31 January 2019 by pietercooreman

Ask a Question Review of NP after 48h usage

Owkey, these are my first impressions. Let's start with the PRO's: + Nicepage is simply a-m-a-z-i-n-g when it comes to grid layouts, free positioning and layer-based design... The sky is the limit....
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2019

Started 31 January 2019 by pietercooreman

Ask a Question Different FOOTER

I have a bilingual website. How do I create my own footer section for each language (ENGLISH, CZECH)?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2019

Started 02 February 2019 by slaninak

Ask a Question Joomla articles 'Read more' links not shown with blog template

Got a existing site for which I already have content. Creating a new design with Nicepage Desktop and exporting/importing the template only in Joomla 3.9. Only the joomla enabled system plugin 'Button...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2019

Started 02 February 2019 by nicepage.com3

Ask a Question Nicepage locks up after making a new page

I have a website,, and it has been working great. I added a new page to the website entitled, "Our Belief" and save the work (about 3 sections with two graphics that I've...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2019

Started 04 February 2019 by johnny.fowler2

Wishlist It would be a nice option if you add transparent to FILL COLOR FILL Image

Hello, It would be a nice option if you add transparent to FILL COLOR FILL Image on Section nor category or Page Instead of 4 options you have
2 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 February 2019

Started 04 February 2019 by liridon

Ask a Question Cannot remove image border

Add an image - to a header, section. anywhere in fact. Use the Border control to add a border. But how do you remove a border completely ? I have to remove the image, then put it back.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2019

Started 05 February 2019 by Jacob Rees-Mogg

Ask a Question Adding HTML / Code

I am trying to create a new page online and need to add some HTML. I notice that the add HTML is only available on the desktop version?? The problem, the online/live site is out of synch with desktop...
12 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2024

Started 06 February 2019 by john13