Ask a Question Why won't this video play?

Hi, Loving Nicepage so far. Can you tell me why I can't click play on this video ? Here's the original: No matter what changes I make to the...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 February 2019

Started 07 February 2019 by lynchtechny

Ask a Question Need licecense recommendation

I run 5 different wordpress blogs (5 different domains). I need to use NicePage with all of them. Which licence do you recommend me to buy? Thanks!
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2019

Started 07 February 2019 by rlaria

Ask a Question Page size bigger than template

Hello, i have a problem, the page size is bigger than my Themler template. Look here : My template is 970px large. The nicepage page is...
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

14 February 2019

Started 10 February 2019 by frederic

Report a bug text formatting (shadow) necessary in all responsive formats

I just created a new title section and tried to format the text with shadow. I did not look fine, so I took the shadow off. By chance I noticed that this reformatting was not been transferred to the...
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Latest By Support Team

13 February 2019

Started 10 February 2019 by catie

Ask a Question Arrows in Slider not showing on mobile

Hello support Team, I create a new website. I add a new section with a default slider. The default slider has its own arrows. The arrows appear corectly until the smartphone layout. When I am on...
12 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By mhalden2249

04 March 2021

Started 11 February 2019 by mediaware.tv2

Wishlist Re-usable Elements

It would be great to be able to save sections and styled elements in the list of elements to be added. For example, if you create a call to action button "Call Company Name Now" with the company's...
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4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 February 2019

Started 11 February 2019 by

Ask a Question 2 layout questions : hover and overlay

First of all : congrats for the tool !! But how do I change the the :hover effect of a section or image ? And is it possible to add a transparant overlay on a section ? Or an image ?
12 Replies
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31 October 2022

Started 12 February 2019 by bart107

Ask a Question multi-language

Hello, is it possible to create a multi-language website with nicepage? (languages such as german, english, spain, ...) Hope of your prompt reply. Thanks.
52 Replies
27 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 August 2022

Started 13 February 2019 by office132

Ask a Question Missing text block

On the site I've been building everything is fine except in the cell phone vertical mode. This is the only mode where the text that should be under "Shop Our Online Store" is missing. The site is...
21 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 March 2019

Started 14 February 2019 by Central Tech

Ask a Question Youtube "related videos" disable needed, need to add "?rel=0" to end of video link

Hi.... adding "?rel=0" to the end of embedded video links disables the Related Videos showing at the end of an embedded youtube video. However when I try to add that to my videos, nicepage discards...
9 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By cris357

17 April 2023

Started 16 February 2019 by lynchtechny

Ask a Question import favicon and footer text designed by...

How can i import a favicon images and below the site the name of the designer, in a site with nicepage on a jjoomla platform
5 Replies
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24 March 2020

Started 20 February 2019 by dhondtkris

Ask a Question Nicepage Update: February 2019 - Animations

Hello Everyone! We are happy to announce the newest update of Nicepage! Please make sure to download and install the latest Nicepage version from the Download page at...
8 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 February 2019

Started 21 February 2019 by Support Team

Wishlist About Stock Image

Hi, Pagination and random image search feature for stock image section can be added. Because I need to scroll continuously to see different images.
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Latest By Support Team

23 February 2019

Started 23 February 2019 by Mufasa

Ask a Question Crashes, Images corrupting in IE, Edge

Hi, I just noticed that in Internet Explorer and Edge, images in my page are warped (IE) or blurry (Edge) - see attached live screen shots. These are all set rotate in, using animations, and the...
9 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By vjera.mise

10 October 2020

Started 25 February 2019 by lynchtechny

Ask a Question Moving pages from one website to another ... is this possible

Hello ... I have two Nicepage websites on the Desktop version. Website A contains 3 pages which I'll call A, B, and C. Website B contains 2 pages which I'll call D and E. How would I go about copying...
7 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

24 October 2023

Started 25 February 2019 by jtlodi