Ask a Question Joomla 4 installation still warnings for the nicepage plugin

Why is there still a warning during the Joomla 4 installation? The nicepage plugin could cause problems during the upgrate. I thought nice page is ready for joomla 4
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2022

Started 05 April 2022 by dm.zielke2

Ask a Question Where are my websites ?

Hello Nicepage team I have a problem . i reconnec from some weeks to nicepage account and i don't retrieve anything ....between time , ive reinstalled my computer . I login with...
8 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

06 April 2022

Started 06 April 2022 by GiO987654321

Ask a Question Footer Display "Made in Nicepa" link problem.

I have Nicepage Ultimate Edition plan. Free updates period 2 Mar 2021 - 2 Mar 2022. İn Footer Display "Made in Nicepa" link problem.
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Latest By Support Team

08 April 2022

Started 08 April 2022 by ademtug

Ask a Question Images on mega menu

How do i put images on mega menu Sarantopoulos Nikos
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Latest By nsarantopoulos68

11 April 2022

Started 08 April 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Nicepage generated template with virus

Dear Sir, See attachment of the full template folder that is generated using Nicepage, there are 3 files affected with virus. How to remove virus and remain original file? I worry if delete the files...
9 Replies
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Latest By seedshowcaseupm

12 April 2022

Started 08 April 2022 by seedshowcaseupm

Ask a Question I have a problem with mobile web design

Hello! I have a problem with the design of my website. I need to work independently of the mobile version of the desktop version, because I need users who enter from a computer to see a different...
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Latest By Support Team

08 April 2022

Started 08 April 2022 by bautx23

Ask a Question Codigo reCaptch

Buen día, quisiera que me expliquen como poner la casilla del codigo reCaptcha en mi página web, la cuál está subida en wordpress, agradezco por anticipado.
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Latest By Support Team

12 April 2022

Started 10 April 2022 by rcarnaque

Ask a Question lancement de nicepage dekstop

Bonjour, depuis ce matin, impossible de lancer mon nicepage dekstop. quand je lance aucune réaction. J'ai des projet dessus et je crains de le réinstaller. Car dans ce cas , pourrais je retrouver mes...
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14 April 2022

Started 10 April 2022 by klotandiok2

Ask a Question SITE

I'm learning about NicePage and will buy a license soon if it suits my work (it seems so). There is something I don't understand. - Right now to do my tests, - I use a Facebook connection. - I have...
4 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

11 April 2022

Started 11 April 2022 by iphonestefane

Ask a Question premium plans

Hello. I want to buy ULTIMATE plan for my business. But I still can't understand it costs 349$ once? Or every year? Or every month? I didn't find information about this.
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Latest By alexnikolaev1990

12 April 2022

Started 12 April 2022 by alexnikolaev1990

Ask a Question Contact form

Hi, please how i can add notification email for contact form or subscribe form, because maybe it's woking only for nicepage hosting, now please what's the solution ? because i need to use other...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

13 April 2022

Started 13 April 2022 by younes.abourial

Ask a Question How Much Does It Cost?

The ads and info say FREE webpage creator, then there's info on LICENSE AGREEMENT. nicepage free ebook and html creator it says on several ads. I can build a page for free then it's going to cost how...
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Latest By Support Team

13 April 2022

Started 13 April 2022 by ieshea

Ask a Question I try to make inline css like this; style="color:#ff0000;" ,

**strong text**Hi I try to make inline css like this; style="color:#ff0000;" , but it doesn't work. why? Thanks <h2 class="u-custom-font u-heading-font u-text u-text-body-alt-color u-text-1"...
2 Replies
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Latest By syonline

13 April 2022

Started 13 April 2022 by syonline

Ask a Question Can I use Visual Studio Code program in Nicepage?

Hi, Can I use Visual Studio Code program in Nicepage? Nicepage is a great tool, but I have not found code edit in Nicepage. Thanks.
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Latest By Support Team

13 April 2022

Started 13 April 2022 by syonline

Ask a Question nicepage two site development in my desktop in same time

Hello i'am new in this forum and i begin now for development of site webs. I have a question? In My Pc i Have nicepage local and here i work my page, but for example how do to have same time two...
2 Replies
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Latest By cristiano.matera

13 April 2022

Started 13 April 2022 by cristiano.matera