Wishlist Sitemap - a working solution to obtain a sitemap page

Hello, I am completely new du NicePage. I try to replace my actual site development tool. So far, I'm very pleased with NP, inspite of lesser features compared to my previous tool. But it does the...
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09 February 2024

Started 08 February 2024 by fischer.klaus2

Ask a Question Create WooCommerce Template?

Hello Nicepage, I'm experimenting with WooCommerce and Nicepage to see how well Nicepage can handle an eCommerce site. Can Nicpeage create templates for WooCommerce shop, product, and checkout pages?...
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21 February 2024

Started 20 February 2024 by shane53

Ask a Question site stats

I clicked to add the privacy cookies on all pages, and it works, but I'm still not showing any traffic in the site stats. I did this about 4-5 days ago. What am I doing wrong? I tried attaching the...
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17 March 2024

Started 17 March 2024 by jim9552

Ask a Question Update template

I get this message: The active theme has a version lower than the plugin version. Please update the theme too. No clue how or where to do such...
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4 weeks ago

Started 4 weeks ago by info3288

Ask a Question Live Site Issues

I have 2 issues with y Live site which i cannot find an answer to. The loaded canonical page addresses are not pulling through to live site, despite the setting being selected The .html on the...
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2 weeks ago

Started 3 weeks ago by clinton.emslie

Ask a Question how do I make nice page the template for my website I have the latest version of Joomla five.

how do I make nice page the template for my website I have the latest version of Joomla five. I started with the Joomla default template. Then I made one from nice page and uploaded it. I've made a...
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2 weeks ago

Started 2 weeks ago by martin374

Ask a Question Complete websites templates

Hello, I really like the site templates that you offer, but I haven't figured out how to get templates for whole sites and not just pages. Also, when you choose a page and you want to add blocks or...
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2 weeks ago

Started 2 weeks ago by infos.owendoo

Ask a Question Template Issue

I can't seem to link to my blog template that I created in the desktop application program. It looks like it's trying to link to a "Blog-Template.html" page but when I type that page title in with my...
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5 days ago

Started 6 days ago by Lynniah

Ask a Question Access to site files

How do I access the site files being hosted on Nicepage?
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3 days ago

Started 3 days ago by candoo

Ask a Question How to create a joomla template for a blog with nicepage

Hi, I just bought nicepage today, and I'm disappointed. My goal was to create template for my joomla site, which displays a simple blog (to start with). I can't get it done, no matter what I tried, I...
7 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By alfnstr

06 April 2023

Started 01 August 2018 by robbert

Ask a Question General question regarding Joomla and site types

Cheers, if I export the theme to joomla, I see three Sites: Blog template, Post template and Page1. When I import the theme, Blog template is being used. I suppose when I select a post the post...
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15 August 2018

Started 15 August 2018 by info56

Ask a Question Creating just templates

I'm having trouble creating regular templates for Joomla with module positions. I've read another post that had issues; possible future video on module positions ? can find one. So whats the trick...
10 Replies
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Latest By info1781

23 December 2019

Started 06 September 2018 by invis13

Ask a Question Website Speed Test for sites generated in Wordpress Plugin

Surpisingly, Artisteer produced Wordpress pages that loaded fairly reasonably. Are there any website speed test comparisons for sites generated by the Nicepage Wordpress plugin, using such tools as...
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Latest By Support Team

24 September 2018

Started 22 September 2018 by Snarkcastic

Ask a Question Install Joomla Template

I am finisched with 'Uploading the Package' and 'Assigning the Package'. I try 'Installing the Content'. As I want to "Import the content from the Template" (in the "Templates: Edi Style", I get the...
3 Replies
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31 October 2018

Started 30 October 2018 by iop_home

Report a bug Import content from template / Request failed: 500

I followed all steps in your video about how to install a template & content in Joomla. Export, install, making new template default went well. Installing nicepage.zip was oké but I got a failure...
4 Replies
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31 October 2018

Started 31 October 2018 by helivlieger