Sitemap - a working solution to obtain a sitemap page

2 Posts
fischer.klaus2 posted this 08 February 2024


I am completely new du NicePage. I try to replace my actual site development tool.
So far, I'm very pleased with NP, inspite of lesser features compared to my previous tool.
But it does the job, easyly.

Now, 1 feature is missing, or better said not useable. This is the sitemap feature.
I can generate a sitemap è ok.
But it is an XML file which cannot be displayed as a page as such.

But I found a work-around.
I created an empty page, put some header info in it.
Then the main trick is to add a HTML block into which copy the XML file's content.
But this is not enough to display the data in a comprehensive form.
I used the CSS class property, and the "Modify CSS" button to obtain a field
into which I could copy a CSS file content. Actually, I simply use:


url {

  display: block;
  margin-bottom: 30px;


loc {

  font-weight: bold;
  color: seagreen;


lastmod {

  color: lightslategray;


This is sufficient to display a readable version of the sitemap.

This CSS should be widely improved, but the concept is working.
Only drawback:
you have to replace the HTML content after any site structure change and regenerate the site.

Appearenty, one cannot upload a single page directly into a NP hosting.

There are 2 work-arounds:
1. Double publishing
first, publish the site, thus generating a new sitemap.xml
next, modify the sidemap page filling the sitemap.xml content into the HML block of the sitemap page
finally, republish de site ==> the you are !
2. use a separate FTP file hosting
first, generate the HTML version
finally, transfer the generated files to the FTP hosting (via Filezilla or similar) ==> here you are

Now, my suggestion to the development team would be:
could you implement a page template of this kind ?

Even better: could the sitemap generation process autoatically generate such a page,
ans automatically fill the XML file's content and a standard XML into the corresponding fields ?
Seeing the many posts all struggling with this feature, this would be a widely welcomed new feature !

Hello, I am completely new du NicePage. I try to replace my actual site development tool. So far, I'm very pleased with NP, inspite of lesser features compared to my previous tool. But it does the job, easyly. Now, 1 feature is missing, or better said not useable. This is the **sitemap feature**. I can generate a sitemap è ok. But it is an XML file which cannot be displayed as a page as such. **But I found a work-around.** I created an empty page, put some header info in it. Then the main trick is to add a HTML block into which copy the XML file's content. But this is not enough to display the data in a comprehensive form. I used the CSS class property, and the "Modify CSS" button to obtain a field into which I could copy a CSS file content. Actually, I simply use: <style> url { display: block; margin-bottom: 30px; } loc { font-weight: bold; color: seagreen; } lastmod { color: lightslategray; } This is sufficient to display a readable version of the sitemap. This CSS should be widely improved, but the concept is working. Only drawback: you have to replace the HTML content after any site structure change and regenerate the site. **IMPORTANT NOTE: Appearenty, one cannot upload a single page directly into a NP hosting.** There are 2 work-arounds: **1. Double publishing** first, publish the site, thus generating a new sitemap.xml next, modify the sidemap page filling the sitemap.xml content into the HML block of the sitemap page finally, republish de site ==> the you are ! **2. use a separate FTP file hosting** first, generate the HTML version finally, transfer the generated files to the FTP hosting (via Filezilla or similar) ==> here you are **Now, my suggestion to the development team would be: could you implement a page template of this kind ?** Even better: could the sitemap generation process autoatically generate such a page, ans automatically fill the XML file's content and a standard XML into the corresponding fields ? Seeing the many posts all struggling with this feature, this would be a widely welcomed new feature !

Last edited 08 February 2024 by fischer.klaus2

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Support Team posted this 09 February 2024


We have forwarded your suggestions to the dev.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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