Ask a Question How can i download a template, deployed on a cms?

I uploaded a template from the desktop version, and uploaded it. After major changes i want to download it to work on it again. Is there any way to do this?
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Latest By Support Team

04 June 2019

Started 03 June 2019 by jan.hiermayer

Ask a Question HTML site broken after update

I have just updated Nicepage to v1.8.7 but now I have problems which make my site unusable. There is no longer a way to "update" my plain HTML site (only export option), the gallery has changed to...
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Latest By Support Team

07 June 2019

Started 05 June 2019 by oldgoat.barry

Ask a Question HOW do I UPLOAD a finished site from my PC to the hosting plan I paid for?

HOW do I UPLOAD a finished site from my PC to the hosting plan I paid for?
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Latest By Support Team

12 April 2021

Started 02 July 2019 by EChill

Ask a Question menus in Joomla

When I export a page into joomla and then I import it, it is imported as a template (right). The problem, on applying that template is that it shows with no menus and no right side items. This makes...
7 Replies
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Latest By ansonsuen32

31 July 2020

Started 03 July 2019 by armandojh2

Ask a Question Exported Joomla Imported but Nav not showing on live site

I need some guidance to get the nav to show up in joomla. Desktop version is ready and so I did the export, imported to the joomla site. Everything looks good except there is no navigation? Joomla is...
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2019

Started 05 July 2019 by Soundwks

Ask a Question Transfer desktop app and templates

I am getting a new computer. How do I move the Nicepage desktop app and the template files to the new system? In what folder are the sites I have been working on kept?
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2019

Started 06 July 2019 by curcios0877

Ask a Question about Backup my sites

Hello is there any way i can have a backup of my sites? just lived a situation right now. I created a website, exported and published then i opened the file again and a whole section was missing....
11 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

26 September 2022

Started 31 July 2019 by yoquil

Ask a Question Both Themler and Nicepage plugin in Joomla site

Hi, Can I add the Nicepage plugin to my laready created Joomla site (with Themler) and edit with Nicepage in Joomla?
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Latest By cynthialo

21 August 2019

Started 13 August 2019 by cynthialo

Report a bug ReCaptcha not working for pre-made form templates

When selecting from the large list of premade form templates, recaptcha doesn't work. It works fine when building the form from scratch. I'm guessing the reCaptcha compatibility hasn't been...
13 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 September 2020

Started 21 August 2019 by marcus60

Ask a Question when trying to import content from template in joomla, says please install nicepage components and plugins

i keep getting th error: lease install nicepage components and plugins. Path to extensions: CMS_ROOT_PATH/templates/sitename)/extensions/
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Latest By Support Team

01 October 2019

Started 01 October 2019 by she0012

Ask a Question How to add 'modify date' to template for Joomla?

In Joomla, there is the created date, published date and last modified date. I would like to show 'last modified date'. However, it seems nicepage only allows for published date. How can I correct...
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Latest By Support Team

08 October 2019

Started 07 October 2019 by bryan

Ask a Question Copy block on a wp site - idea solution

Just came to an idea how to solve very demanding need to copy block from one page to another on a site. The idea is to save a block in to my templates section that should be added to wp site plugin...
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17 October 2019

Started 17 October 2019 by whdmike

Ask a Question Site reload

Every 14 seconds Nicepage reloads. Is there an update needed?
10 Replies
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21 January 2020

Started 31 October 2019 by Protueri

Report a bug Template not installing on Wordpress

Good day I am experiencing difficulties installing a Wordpress theme I have compiled on Nicepage. I upload the Zip file and then get an error message. I have tried numerous times without success....
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 November 2019

Started 12 November 2019 by Domain Host Pro Admin

Ask a Question Nav Bar broken on published site

Hello, I have exported my site to html and then uploaded onto a CPanel Public HTML and the nav bar does not work on the published site. How do I fix this? Live site:
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Latest By Support Team

18 November 2019

Started 15 November 2019 by kendallspanglerdesign