Ask a Question index.html not same as home.html

My first site I did has wrong html. After exporting I have to delete the index.html, copy the home.html and then rename the copied home.html to index.html. This works so not a big deal unless I forget...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 June 2019

Started 17 October 2018 by lori

Ask a Question Gallery - Album

Hi, it would be nice if you can add some Gallery/Album sections. This time i find only the lightbox-presentation for the pictures. hopefully Johannes
17 Replies
32 Votes

Latest By michal84

19 October 2022

Started 17 October 2018 by j.jm2

Ask a Question Web Page Title for HTML

I want a longer title. The web page may be called index But I want in the title to say <title>Philip Home Page I can't change one without the other. I have a 30 character limit and if I do...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By prussell

20 October 2018

Started 18 October 2018 by prussell

Ask a Question Change overall site width

Hey nicepage-Team, is there a way to change the overall site or page width of a website or am I stuck with the default?
10 Replies
10 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 November 2021

Started 18 October 2018 by service8

Report a bug Blog and Post template not uploaded

Hello, When I create a new site temple, there alway's tree pages created by default: Blog template, Post template and Page 1 Page 1 I alway rename to Home and make it the Homepage. Blog and Post...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2023

Started 18 October 2018 by Paulus

Ask a Question Is there a way to customize the url page name

Is there a way to customize the url page name? This is for a joomla export. For example I get when I click on a page. Thanks.
11 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By gojico2223

08 November 2022

Started 18 October 2018 by ifawcett

Ask a Question what is the best way to update content from the desktop version for joomla?

what is the best way to update content from the desktop version for joomla? Right now I export the theme and content again and save it as a different named template. I change the template and import...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 November 2018

Started 18 October 2018 by ifawcett

Ask a Question How do i get the changes i made online in chrome to my desktop version?

I would like to work both ways, make change on the road in the online version in chrome and then when I am back in the office on the desktop version. However I don't see the changes I made on the road...
5 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

24 October 2018

Started 18 October 2018 by ifawcett

Ask a Question Vertical menu

is it possible to create a vertical menu in nicepage?
32 Replies
56 Votes

Latest By anderek

29 December 2022

Started 19 October 2018 by shafiq_amlani

Ask a Question Move menu into the first slide

Can you move the menu out of the header and into the first section? Usually the first section is an image and I would like the menu to appear over it.
7 Replies
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Latest By Semprelola

20 April 2021

Started 19 October 2018 by ifawcett

Ask a Question screen sizes

What are the screen sizes nicepages have?
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2018

Started 19 October 2018 by Vogue Web Services

Ask a Question ' in the header text

If you put a ' in the header text you get: 0 - syntax error, unexpected 's' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' Please fix. In Joomla. Thanks.
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2018

Started 19 October 2018 by ifawcett

Ask a Question Creare pagine con lo schema uguale alla prima pagina INDEX

Dopo aver creato la prima pagina (index.html), come posso fare per creare le altre pagine uguali alla prima? Grazie.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2018

Started 20 October 2018 by calabrese.donato2

Ask a Question nicepage as email designer?

Can I use nicepage as responsive email designer? What are common problems to avoid? Thank you Paolo
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 November 2018

Started 20 October 2018 by amministrazione

Wishlist Please add some different bullet styles

Hello Oleg and Nicepage team. It would be great if we could choose from a different type of images and styles to the bullet ellement... something like in themeler, it is very handy and really helps...
2 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By Support Team

31 July 2020

Started 20 October 2018 by shaulhadar