Ask a Question menu problem

I made a website with 6 pages, so there are 6 menu buttons. Looks fine in Nicepage preview, but when i export the website the last button (epiloog) doesn't show. ( see attachement, top is Nicepage...
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14 February 2022

Started 23 October 2018 by Willem

Ask a Question How can I build pages with WooCommerce?

How can I build pages with WooCommerce? I can't see this option. Thanks
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23 October 2018

Started 23 October 2018 by angelyrics2

Ask a Question Can I move my webpage from online version to desktop version

Hi, I created my first theme in online version in Nicepage and then was thinking of exporting it to Wordpress. Woops. I had not read that only the desktop version has the Export feature. Is there...
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24 October 2018

Started 23 October 2018 by smh_602

Ask a Question Problemas con pie de pagina y encabezados en joomla

He creado una pagina en la versión escritorio, No observo pie de pagina y encabezado en joomla para modificar. por favor como puedo modificar. Ayuda. Atentamente. Kathy
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24 October 2018

Started 24 October 2018 by Updated Technology

Ask a Question where is the hover and pressed (color for menu)

Hi the team :) where is the hover and pressed (color foritem menu) like for the button. Thanks a lot!
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06 November 2018

Started 24 October 2018 by psanz63

Ask a Question nicepage - beta, fast wie bei Microsoft

Warum wundert es mich nicht, dass ich hier als alter Artisteer-User 77,00 $ bezahlen soll, selbst wenn es sich noch um eine Beta-Version handelt. Denn ausgereift ist Nicepage noch lange nicht als...
6 Replies
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17 February 2020

Started 24 October 2018 by wilderer

Ask a Question Opening Existing Site Created in Nicepage

Hi there. While trying out your app, I created a basic HTML site in Nicepage but couldn't save as my PayPal could not process payment for some reason. I exported the site ok though. I see there are...
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24 October 2018

Started 24 October 2018 by oldgoat.barry

Ask a Question Copy /Paste

Hi, I would like to copy Pos.1 and paste at the Pos.2. But it does not work! What am I doing wrong? thanks
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24 October 2018

Started 24 October 2018 by jschaufe

Ask a Question One page website

Can I make a one page website with each section being a page? When you click on the menu name it would go down to the section on/of the page.
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06 October 2021

Started 24 October 2018 by fredcate

Ask a Question Why the originals pictures are largest on nicepage?

Hi the team, I wonder if it is normal that the images are largest when we put them in nice page? (see the attach files) Because it s a real problem!
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25 October 2018

Started 24 October 2018 by psanz63

Ask a Question Drupal Theme support

As an Artisteer user for Drupal theming, I have to ask if Nicepage will export Drupal themes? Stephen
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25 October 2018

Started 25 October 2018 by hondaman900

Ask a Question install on an different HD

can i also install the program on a different hard disk than specified?
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25 October 2018

Started 25 October 2018 by guitarwizard

Wishlist Grid

Is it possible to add a grid to the grids like the one shown in the attached image ? Although i am afraid there are some limitations in the options for the developers. Reason is that i don't want an...
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25 October 2018

Started 25 October 2018 by Willem

Wishlist Import in Joomla

Artisteer "world" better than Nicepage. very complicated to import the page in Joomla! with Artisteer it was done in 4 steps Export from Artisteer Import in Joomla set template as default import...
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Latest By Support Team

25 October 2018

Started 25 October 2018 by

Report a bug Wordpress Content import failure (Error occured: (status 200)

Hi, I created a page (Home) in Nicepage, and export only contents (zip) and then trying to import into Wordpress, I am getting the below error. Error occured: (status 200) Can't find content.json in...
13 Replies
5 Votes

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22 February 2023

Started 25 October 2018 by