Ask a Question license type

Hi There, I purchased the designer package and went to export my project from the online builder and was notified that I need the other premium plan. Can you credit it to me or tell me what I'm doing...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 January 2022

Started 29 January 2022 by david.wlmolson

Ask a Question none

i have received a notice that email is being held and i need a new version and you give a link when i clic it it says 404 error--how do i get a new version
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 January 2022

Started 29 January 2022 by mpdarrow1

Ask a Question Designer app pack

Hi, Can you please provide me with some information on the subject business model? How does it work? Thanks, Malay
1 Reply
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Latest By MerlinAZ

30 January 2022

Started 30 January 2022 by d.mranjan2

Ask a Question Contact Form

It has been brough to my attention by another Nicepage user that my Nicepage environment does not display the correct options on my Form > Submit, hence why it isn't working on my website. Please...
4 Replies
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Latest By adriana.rapolla

01 February 2022

Started 31 January 2022 by adriana.rapolla

Report a bug Issues with the Contact form

Hello, I have an issue with the FORM to send emails using Nicepage version 4.3.3 I have configured the FORM following and I have...
4 Replies
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Latest By WPI

31 July 2024

Started 01 February 2022 by americangigi

Ask a Question Can not add custom domain name

Hello I am having trouble linking nice pages and godaddy. I have gone to godaddy and assigned the dns. On nicepages it is not letting me fill in the add custom domain. It says a license is required to...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 February 2022

Started 01 February 2022 by Laraphotomom

Ask a Question Is it possible to export from wordpress to nicepge app?

I have a though situation where my updated nicepage page is in wordpress (in online editor) and I want to change the templates which I can’t do without desktop application. In the desktop application...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2022

Started 01 February 2022 by EAD

Ask a Question Export to ftp

I am trying to export to ftp my website update and when I hit export it doesn't do anything. This is a site that was made with Nicepage and have exported many times before. I am running the current...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 February 2022

Started 02 February 2022 by wksjoe

Ask a Question Update 4.4 - web site destroyed

Hi Support, After your latest update, my web site is completely crashed. I tryed to re-install previous version, but got an error when opening in the design program, because my web site already have...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2023

Started 03 February 2022 by Karsten K

Ask a Question Buy a license

Hi, I want to buy a license for Nicepage, but I have a question. If I buy a license now, I can use Nicepage forever (lifetime) isn't it? But what with the updates? I have 1 year free updates, but...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2022

Started 03 February 2022 by jimmy.peeters1

Wishlist Please Help To Improve Performance

Dear Nicepage Users, We always want to make our application better and faster. Now, we are willing to enhance the performance and need your help. If you have any reproducible performance issues,...
4 Replies
16 Votes

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13 February 2022

Started 03 February 2022 by Support Team


J'adore construire des sites Web avec Nicepage. Tout fonctionne bien de mon côté sauf une chose importante dont j'ai besoin. J'en ai fait mention dans des discussions précédentes et je n'ai pas...
19 Replies
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05 February 2022

Started 03 February 2022 by ginette.bouchard

Ask a Question Two menu

How i can add second menu for example first menu - main - about, prise, blog,.... contacts second in the header dropdown menu of categories - category 1 - dropdown elements from ths category category...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2022

Started 03 February 2022 by dok.dip2017

Ask a Question Wordpress Theme: Einige Elemente sind verrutscht

Ich muss für meine Ausbildung einen Demo Online-Shop bauen. Seit dem Update auf 4.4 sind leider alle Elemente verutscht. Ich habe bereits versucht, das Theme erneut hochzuladen, und auch das Nicepage...
4 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By xvemanuelvx

04 February 2022

Started 03 February 2022 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question Destop app to online builder

Hello team. I have a website built on the desktop app. I am not sure how to send it to the online builder so I can link a custom domain name to it and get it online. Can you please advise me on how to...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

04 February 2022

Started 04 February 2022 by Laraphotomom