Ask a Question Боковое меню

Добрый день, скажите пожалуйста, как я могу сделать такое меню на nicepage?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 February 2022

Started 07 February 2022 by Alexey Kuzmin

Ask a Question Asking about details

Hello, I was looking for a html template and there was 2 main features I am looking for; First of all I want it to support Rtl, and second it must have sign up button. However, I couldn't see any...
1 Reply
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Latest By Vitaliy WD

07 February 2022

Started 07 February 2022 by pnzmtgn

Ask a Question Problemas con la visualización del menu y submenu en version movil

Hola. En la versión móvil el menu no despliega el submenu, ni da posibilidad de hacer click en él. No sé cual puede ser el problema, ya que en la versión para pantalla si que funciona bien. ¿Alguna...
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 February 2022

Started 07 February 2022 by Asier As

Ask a Question comnew service

I'm considering new service with Does provide anything else besides website building tools? I would like to start with $59 and build a few sites then grow out to a bigger...
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 February 2022

Started 07 February 2022 by Internet Soft

Ask a Question Please note this functionality is deprecated

Hi! I want to know where to find Quick Builders? It is the best and easy way to create a website. May I know why it has been discontinued the system?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 December 2022

Started 08 February 2022 by markzuke

Ask a Question Publish button

I'm editing a nice page site on line within Builderall. Where's the publish button?
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 February 2022

Started 08 February 2022 by drxavier

Ask a Question Hamburger Menu

Hello, I am going creazy with the hamburger menu, not possible to change colour and the size of the bar, fixed 300px. Other issue: in the mobile vision the screen appears divided in two sections,...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2022

Started 08 February 2022 by Studio Stefano Piaggi

Ask a Question Change Shadow Color

Hi Team, Hope y'all are doing well. I wanted to see if there is an option to change the shadow color. I may be wrong but as of right now the only shade available is black which creates a dark shadow....
4 Replies
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Latest By Sam B

08 February 2022

Started 08 February 2022 by Sam B

Ask a Question Nicepage is becoming unusable

Nicepage especially the latest version got a lot worse. I really appreciate the new interface, the new animations and everything related to the design of the new templates ... But unfortunately your...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2022

Started 08 February 2022 by angelograd

Ask a Question Images

All images are failing to load after exporting on the newest update. Is there a fix to this?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 February 2022

Started 09 February 2022 by

Report a bug URL not working

Dear, I am using the trial version and just made a site with the url name However when I use the url the not found error screen appears (please see the attachment). Please...
2 Replies
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Latest By bborhani

13 February 2022

Started 09 February 2022 by bborhani

Ask a Question MENU

Bonjour ! J'aimerais savoir si il y a un moyen d'atteindre directement UN BLOC sans voir tout défiler ... J'aimerais qu'en cliquant sur un item du menu qu'on arrive DIRECTEMENT à cet item ! Si...
16 Replies
0 Votes


15 February 2022

Started 09 February 2022 by ginette.bouchard

Ask a Question Links

Hi, I'm trying to put a link on a single word in a Text. when I mark the word and then go to Hyperlink the complete text is linked and not the single word. How can I get round this?
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 February 2022

Started 09 February 2022 by Webmaster Kolping Warendorf

Ask a Question Wish list & login buttons - vertical menu

Hello, I'm making a woocommerce eshop. 1) I can't find how to add a wish list button. Is there a possibility for wish list? 2) I can't find how to add a button or link for the login form...
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 February 2022

Started 09 February 2022 by Ioanna

Ask a Question exportar html

o programa antes deixava exportar o projeto pra html agora pede versão premium, mudou com a atualização?
4 Replies
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Latest By joao.facul20

10 February 2022

Started 09 February 2022 by joao.facul20