Ask a Question reCaptcha question

Hi even if I've set up fine reCapcha Keys in setup menu , the reCaptcha questions is not showed in the module. Can someone help me...
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2021

Started 29 November 2021 by frmuscolino

Ask a Question Premium Package BUSINESS from nicepage questions

Hello , That Packet Business... are domains such as.COM included? Or are they only with standard pages from nicepage inside? I am interested in this package... but don't know which domains are in it....
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Latest By Support Team

02 December 2021

Started 30 November 2021 by toniten1985

Ask a Question Very Important Things, that you guys are missing

Dear Team You are working continuously on NicePage and improving it day by day. But I would like to highlight few of the things, that you guys have missed out completely. Header and Footer...
6 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Support Team

04 March 2024

Started 30 November 2021 by Qaiser Ikram

Ask a Question add to my library is missing

Hello it seems that in older versions of Nicepage you can save your own blocks to the block library. In version 4.03 I don`t see this- why? I also missing a feature to save a page or the website to...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 March 2022

Started 30 November 2021 by ralf.d.holz

Ask a Question Captcha error missing input - error message when submitting Joomla email form

Hi, I have et up a contact form on a joomla site but I don't get it working to send the email. I get this error message: Captcha error missing input - error message when submitting Joomla email form....
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 December 2021

Started 30 November 2021 by mickeHyman

Ask a Question Web App With Hosting + Designer App Pack Starter Plan

I would like to try the Web App With Hosting + Designer App Pack Starter Plan but don't see where I can make and register a domain name to get it started. Please help.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

02 December 2021

Started 02 December 2021 by ecdigitaldesignsolutions

Ask a Question How to use Nicepage on Wordpress

I am confused on how to use Nicepage with Wordpress. I have looked at several videos and looked at some of the Forum posts but need more help. I have an existing Wordpress site. I have installed the...
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Latest By Support Team

03 December 2021

Started 02 December 2021 by david.schwartzer

Ask a Question Joomal 4 Compatible

Is NicePage compatible with Joomla 4?
2 Replies
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Latest By shane53

02 December 2021

Started 02 December 2021 by gotoemailnow

Ask a Question SLIDER

I created a slider of photos to put inside a webpage but I dont know to export the code (html, css). What do I do? Thank you
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03 December 2021

Started 03 December 2021 by tomcattinmedia

Ask a Question publish button

why is there not a publish button on my nicepage????
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Latest By MerlinAZ

03 December 2021

Started 03 December 2021 by 1northportguy

Ask a Question Publishing my website on nicepage

Can I activate website I build on the nicepage site? If so how do it do it? When I publish it will it automatically go live and people can get to it by typing in my domain name? So dry. Am new at...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

04 December 2021

Started 04 December 2021 by ecdigitaldesignsolutions

Ask a Question Nicepage Offline Installer

I'd like to download the offline installer of nicepage.. Where can I get it? I use to in the past, but can't anymore, thank you.
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Latest By Support Team

13 December 2021

Started 04 December 2021 by Light

Ask a Question when I export block it does not visible correctly. (showing without css style)

I am using free version but when I export block it does not vislble correctly when open the html file in browser.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2021

Started 04 December 2021 by nirajkp

Ask a Question Where are the functionalities, e.g. "Create a Page from Facebook"

In the training video, I see that there is a "Create a Page from Facebook" functionality. I could not find it in desktop Nicepage Pro Edition. Then I bought the Nicepage Hosting Pro, Annually...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By xvemanuelvx

25 April 2022

Started 05 December 2021 by pekka162

Ask a Question ACF

Hi do you plan to support ACF or any other form of custom fields system such as Pods? Thank you. Petr
7 Replies
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06 September 2023

Started 05 December 2021 by Petr Adamek