Ask a Question Arrow of the slider

HI. The Arrow of the slider are always on the front on the menu during the scrolling of the page.
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20 December 2021

Started 11 November 2021 by MEKKITEL

Ask a Question Can't turn Website Public

Help, I can't Get my Website to turn into a visitable Online Website for my Teacher to View. It's for a Project, Please help
5 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

12 November 2021

Started 12 November 2021 by BonTheBon

Ask a Question Unable to export project folder from desktop

Hi, I am unable to export my project from the desktop app even if I click twice for the free version. Please could you assist
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Latest By Support Team

12 November 2021

Started 12 November 2021 by Simidi Learning Academy

Ask a Question scrollable text

Hello, I'm new here, checking out the free version of nicepage to decide if I purchase later. A lot of things I like at the first sight, its easy to understand and quick to use. But there are...
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Latest By Support Team

15 November 2021

Started 13 November 2021 by mangkut_kl

Ask a Question Character Encoding

When I run an SEO checker, I get the following warning "The character encoding is not specified in the HTTP header" Can you explain this and is there a way to fix it? Thanks
10 Replies
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Latest By dtsaudio188

17 November 2021

Started 15 November 2021 by dtsaudio188

Ask a Question Nicepage theme header and footer

Using the desktop application and exporting joomla extension, can you tell me the benefit of using nicepage header and footer vs theme header and footer?
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2021

Started 15 November 2021 by carlfarring

Ask a Question Mobile view not working

Hello, We have just bought the Pro version of nice page but mobile view is not working. The website appears at it is on WEB. Should we do something more? In preview is working, but on Website page...
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2021

Started 15 November 2021 by hlineagency

Abuse I buy a software or a service? because the nice footer still comes out

I bought a software and I cannot remove the Footer, what about you, it says SOFTWARE, nor can I work in HTML, it is a service and for that they give the option of 59 dollars if they are not going to...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2021

Started 16 November 2021 by impresioneseltintero

Ask a Question Slow website experience

Hi everybody, I'm currently building up a website with nice page entirely, it works great, a lot of features that make it easier to create. I have only one problem...visiting the site as a visitor it...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2021

Started 16 November 2021 by info1614

Ask a Question Premium Pro Lifetime purchase

I would like to purchase your web designing software pro for $199, but I need to know for sure that I'm paying for lifetime and all the features stated in your advertising page are inclusive in my...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 November 2021

Started 17 November 2021 by nwachukwuopiah

Ask a Question Wix platform

Hello Team, I want to know exactly do I export the code to wix? Best regards, Fredelin Lambert
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Latest By MerlinAZ

17 November 2021

Started 17 November 2021 by fredelin.lambert

Ask a Question Nicepage Plugin Change

Hello we have made in the past spezial labeled Nicepage plugin in Wordpress. The problem we have now - how can we update to the newest version of Nicepage. If this is not possible, what will be the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 November 2021

Started 18 November 2021 by oneITS

Ask a Question Nicepage form using from field

Hello, I am using Nicepage php form (in build) and have a problem with the form field in submit settings. What do I put in these field? The form send me a email that's correct but there is no email...
3 Replies
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Latest By info379

24 November 2021

Started 19 November 2021 by info379

Ask a Question How to reinstall nice page site on new pc?

My pc crashed and I had to buy a new pc I have reinstalled nicepage. I downloaded the file previously uploaded to my webhost to my pc. How can I open this back in the nicee page app?...
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Latest By Support Team

22 November 2021

Started 20 November 2021 by rodneydavisrealestate

Report a bug Icons that dont work

Hello there, id like to report a bug i am getting in the desktop App. It has happened before afew times where i want to add an icon but the one I select does not do anything. Some of the more common...
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Latest By Support Team

22 November 2021

Started 22 November 2021 by shaun61