Good evening, if I buy the personal version, do I have the possibility to work on two different PCs, not at the same time?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

05 December 2021

Started 05 December 2021 by biasin.stefano

Ask a Question Some Quick Questions

Before signing up I need to know a few things: What plans include white labeling? How much do the updates cost per year? When using the WooCommerce plugin, does that mean it just pulls the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2021

Started 05 December 2021 by vaderop

Ask a Question Create 404 page

Hi I would like to create a 404 error page for I have seen that there is a template block for it but how does joomla/nicepage know that this is the error page? Thanks, Markus
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2021

Started 06 December 2021 by info116

Ask a Question Main Menu issues when viewed on Apple devices

Hi. When you view my newly uploaded site on an apple device the menu has problems, a mis-shapen or shrunken logo. see It works great on my PC and on my...
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2021

Started 06 December 2021 by mikey.adams2

Ask a Question Free plan

Hello, I am using a free Nicepage plan and I'm considering switching to a premium plan. However, I'm having issues with my page being fully responsive. Is premium plan going to help with it? Thank...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2021

Started 06 December 2021 by asmirpekmic92

Ask a Question Redownloaded NicePage, all sites are gone

I was having issues with a computer and needed to switch to a new computer. I have redownloaded nicepage, but all of my websites that I had created are gone. Some of them were not published so I do...
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

06 December 2021

Started 06 December 2021 by mmorey

Ask a Question Unable to save changes to button style - Joomla 4

Hi, I'm unable to save changes to button styles. The website I'm working on is running on Joomla 4 and is using the beta version of Nicepage. Please see video attached. I'm assuming this is a bug?
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2021

Started 06 December 2021 by sara6792

Report a bug Menu mobile

Hi, There is a problem with the menu in the mobile mode. I attached a simple project were i made a menu. In the mobile mode there are no adjustments possible. Maybe you will have a look on it. Thanks...
4 Replies
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Latest By fmd.gijsen

14 December 2021

Started 07 December 2021 by fmd.gijsen

Ask a Question Implementation of recaptcha v3 keys resets header and footer

Hello Nicepage team, i tried to implement recaptcha v3 into my modal popup in nicepage (via site settings). So i entered website key and secret key that i created via google before. After that i...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2021

Started 07 December 2021 by socialmedia15

Ask a Question working on host

Hello, I bought the professione version, I built the site on localhost and exported on the hosting provider. How can I update the site directly on the hosting instead of in locahost? Best...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2021

Started 08 December 2021 by ciaomare2004

Ask a Question Pre order question

Dear nicepage support team. I played araound with the free version to see if I like the workflow on it. All fine for the moment. Now I understand, that for product listing and shopping cart I need...
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2021

Started 08 December 2021 by 25392510

Ask a Question Unable to change width of hamburger menu

Hello, I've been enjoying Nicepage so far. It's an excellent web design software compared to others I have used in the past but I'm currently facing a bug that I still cant wrap my head around. After...
10 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

07 February 2023

Started 08 December 2021 by CharlieXVi

Ask a Question Versie 4.1.0

Als ik tekst bewerk in een kolom bevriest het programma Ik wil terug naar v 4.0.3 Mvg, Gert
4 Replies
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Latest By agd_drive

09 December 2021

Started 09 December 2021 by agd_drive

Ask a Question How to remove the redirect to from the page header ?

Hello, i built my first website with Nicepage but in the header (where the website logo is) if i click on it opens the page of, how do you disable this option? Thank you
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 February 2023

Started 09 December 2021 by tom_msn

Ask a Question Explain Personal Plan Please

I have created a theme in Nicepage and have imported it to Wordpress, and built my pages using the Wordpress plugin. I thought this was free to use but now understand that it is only good for 7-days....
3 Replies
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Latest By CharlieXVi

10 December 2021

Started 09 December 2021 by david.schwartzer