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How to set the Turn and Grow effect for the Start Position animation

Turning and growing while hovering over a Group is an interesting behavior, which has become more popular in site animations. You can specify the Turn and Grow for an Element while having a Group in which it is placed. You can pick the Turn and Grow Effect for the Start Position on the Start Position section of the Property Panel.

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How To Apply The Turn And Grow Effect With The Start Position Animation

Similar to using CSS animations and CSS transitions, you can apply the Turn and Grow Effect for a particular element in the group that can make your page more dynamic and interactive. The Turn And Grow Effect is an animation sequence that starts and ends with the element swiftly appearing from the starting point and growing with a counterclockwise turning animation. After selecting the element for this effect, go to the Property Panel, select the Start Position option, and then pick the Turn Grow option below. You can set the timing functions so the effect would take either 1 second, 2 seconds, or 3 seconds for the keyframe animations of the element to reach the original size. After the timing function adjustment, you can set up the transparency, scale, and rotation animation properties or leave the default value, which means they take place on a standard basis.

Similar to using CSS transitions and CSS animations, our animation properties provide some examples that will show you, same as with using a CSS animation tutorial, how the CSS animation should apply a linear timing function for its purposes. Resume the animation sequence between animation start and end and set the keyframe animations to make the transition timing function smoother. Like the CSS properties for CSS animations make the overall time during the animation imperceptible, our timing functions influence how many times during the animation sequence the rotation from left to right or vice versa will take place and for how long. There are different timing functions for 1 second and 2 seconds in the example below. The timing functions using CSS animations animation sequence make it a powerful tool for attracting users and customers.

The CSS property defines how many times the animation starts before reaching the original size of the example below. The CSS animation using the first animation timing function will transform simple animations into so much more than the sequence. The timing function makes the number of times your animation repeats itself more flawless. Your animation should take the timing function immediately if the CSS transforms the default value into what you desire. You can use the example below to define animation properties and some CSS properties. CSS transforms at some point of the animation using keyframes and the property value of every part of it. CSS animations allow us to thank you so much for all the aspects of a great design.