How to Use the Animation On Scroll In Web Design

The Animation On Scroll is the basic effect of loading and scrolling web pages. You can add it by selecting an Element and then going to the Property Panel. Click on the On Scroll link and check the Animation checkbox. Select a Preset and customize the On Scroll Effect if needed.
On-Scroll Animation

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Loop Animation

Today, many websites have animated elements used to attract attention by increasing visits, improving branding, and adding websites' uniqueness. Nicepage empowers web designers, pros and novices, to build animation-rich blocks without coding. You can enable the Loop Animation property in the Property Panel to add animation and interaction to your website, bringing JavaScript and CSS's power into the visual Website Editor.

Animation Customization

Assume that standard animation effects are too little for your website idea, and you need to mix several animation effects to achieve the desired result. You can fully control the properties available for the Customizable Animation Presets. And only choose the Predesigned Animation Presets from the Library with minimal fine-tuning. You can go to the Property Panel and customize all properties of the Fade, Move, Zoom, Roll, Rotate, and Spiral Effects.

Animation Presets

You can use the Animation On Scroll presets. And there are two types of them: Customizable Animation Presets, which properties you can fully edit, the Predesigned Animation Presets, which you can only choose from the Library and have minimal fine-tuning.

Fade Animation Effect

The Fade effect is a stylistic transition in which an element, like an image, text, or background, gradually disappears and appears back on the web page. You can set the Fade Effect by selecting an Element and choosing the Animation on Scroll in the Property Panel.

Slide Animation Effect

Add the Effect if you want your element to move gradually from one point to another in a particular direction on page loading or scrolling. Specify the Slide Effect by adding, choosing an Element, and then clicking the Slide Preset in the Animation On Scroll section of the Property Panel.

Zoom Animation Effect

The Zoom Effect is the transition of gradual appearance while changing the size of an Element. It allows to close up an Element on web page loading or scrolling.

Flip Animation Effect

Apply the Flip effect to implement the semi-rotation of an Element, whereby you can see both the front and back sides of the current Element. You can choose the flip pole either by the X-Axis or Y-Axis. You can select an Element and then the Flip Preset for the Animation On Scroll in the Property Panel.

Bounce Animation Effect

Use the Bounce Animation effect to make the Element move down, up, and quickly down again on page scrolling. You can enable the On-Scroll Bounce Animation by clicking on the corresponding Preset in the Animation On Scroll section of the Property Panel.

Rotate Animation Effect

The Rotate Effect defines a transformation that rotates an element around a fixed point on the page without the deformation. This Effect is also available as a preset, which you can find in the Animation On Scroll section of the Property Panel.

Box Animation Effect

The Box, or Jack In The Box, Creates a transition effect imitating a popular joke toy movement. It starts with the central fading in and continues with shaking from one side to another.

Flash Animation Effect

Flash Animation, also associated with blinking, is also popular to attract visitor's attention. It appears like series of fade-in and fade-out transitions with the accent on the opaque state of the animated object or text.

Hinge Animation Effect

With the Hinge Effect, an Element turns over or causes to turn over with a sudden quick movement stopping at the point of an imaginable hinge. This natural transition can add surprise to the interaction in your web design.