Scaling Elements or resizing proportionally on hover can be an interesting Animation Effect that can wow your visitors. You can choose Scale Preset and then modify the Hover On Group properties in the Property Panel by clicking the corresponding link. To test, click somewhere on the Block, then hover.
Shifting an Element on Hover is a natural effect since you create a reaction on a mouse hovering a Group imitating any commonly known moving things. In the Property Panel to the right, the Hover On Group Panel, you can choose the Shift Preset. Test it by unselecting and hovering a Group.
For the grouped or Grid Cell Elements, you can change the Element Color on its hover and while hovering a Group or a Grid Cell. Select an Element in a Group. Select the Animation On section's Hover On Group and modify the Color properties in the Property Panel. Unselect the Element, then Hover the Group to test.
For an Element in a Group or Grid Cell, you can change the Shadow property on Group Hover. Adding Shadow to an Element creates a pseudo-3D effect, which is very popular in web design. In the Hover On Group section of the Property Panel, select the Shadow Preset and optionally edit the Shadow if needed.