Report a bug All my Nicepage web-pages look wrong. Seems like you have a central error!

All my pages published to NicePage look very strange when browsning. Regardless of browser. Tried to re publish them without any sucess. Seems like you have a central error where some of you css...
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Latest By Support Team

26 December 2023

Started 24 December 2023 by raeh742

Ask a Question Normal wordpress theme then adding pages with nicepage?

Can you start with a normal wordpress theme, and then add pages using the nicepage editor within wordpress?
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Latest By Support Team

26 December 2023

Started 26 December 2023 by jon.weinbren

Ask a Question path to pages

I am converting an existing php website to Joomla with nicepage and I have paid massive amounts of money for ads that point to...
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Latest By Support Team

29 December 2023

Started 29 December 2023 by ksnyders

Ask a Question Joombla Breadcrumbs in Homepage and in other nicepage pages

Hi, I want to add the joomla breadcrumbs to my HP and to all the other nicepage pages (not only to the blog post) how can I do it? thanks Nancy
2 Replies
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Latest By A12 Web Studio

02 January 2024

Started 29 December 2023 by A12 Web Studio

Ask a Question Page exported in HTML appears completely unconfigured

Dear all, I am exporting the site as HTML but when I upload it to the server, the page is completely desconfigurated. Can someone give a clue about what can be happening? Thans for your attention.
3 Replies
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Latest By tpdominici

30 December 2023

Started 30 December 2023 by tpdominici

Ask a Question Whe Uplloaded via FTP pages all over the place.?

I've created a 10x page HTML site, it looks okay in the Nicepage PC application/builder preview, but when I upload it to my Hosting Company via FTP some of the pages are all over the place..?? As much...
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Latest By Support Team

03 January 2024

Started 01 January 2024 by Info50802

Ask a Question Adding editor to a page

I am having trouble adding an editor to a page. I looked through the instructions. After the person registers they still can't see my sites and the screen says they have 7 days of access. Here is the...
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Latest By Support Team

02 January 2024

Started 01 January 2024 by chamberske

Wishlist Subfolders for pages in Nicepage for Joomla

Dear developers, if you work with the Desktop App for Nicepage, you have the possibility to add subfolders to the pages at the left menue. As soon as the design has been imported into Joomla, these...
4 Replies
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Latest By DG Media

08 January 2024

Started 02 January 2024 by DG Media

Wishlist NicePage=Virtuemart Product List Page Template is it possible to have a switch Grid or Listrow

Hello, Is it possible to have Buttons to switch for Product List a page with products list by Grid or a page with products list by Row ? as pictures: products list by row products list by...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 05 January 2024 by philippe.t

Ask a Question How to make static page inb Nicepage

HI, I want to change my project in nicepage to be static (structure of page won't change despite lowering browser). How can I do this?
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Latest By Support Team

11 January 2024

Started 11 January 2024 by Murdio

Ask a Question Multilingual site - other version of same page

Hi, I want to make a multilingual site on - so far this works well (language switcher on the bottom of the page). However, since the site is about some books I wrote in...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2024

Started 12 January 2024 by psnoeckx2

Wishlist Adding Background image to entire page not just a block

How do I add a background image to the entire page not just a block? adding it block by block leave a line after each one and I want it to be seamless
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By csonjafly30

15 January 2024

Started 13 January 2024 by csonjafly30

Report a bug How to make login register page

Kindly tell us how to create a login and register page with functionality and how to give permissions to Menus that will show after login and another will show before login and please also tell us how...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2024

Started 16 January 2024 by karanbirsingh201198

Ask a Question How can I change font in all my pages ?

Hi, How can I change font in all my pages, namely setting the font that I want ? Thanks.
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2024

Started 18 January 2024 by syonline

Ask a Question Import a block or a page in Magento 2

Hello, I successfully exported a block or a page created with Nicepage. I now need to import the block or the page in my Magento 2 site. I looked for instructions but I didn't find anything. Is...
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2024

Started 18 January 2024 by info1184722