Ask a Question How to restore previous versions of a page

A WordPress site, how can you restore previous versions of the page made on your designer, how did you press save and exit the page and the return button is not active.
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Latest By WebCet

30 January 2024

Started 23 January 2024 by WebCet

Ask a Question how to modify wordpress pages

Hello, I'm using the PRO version, how can I edit pages already existing in WordPress (pages has been created before installing Nicepage) when I click on "edit in Nicepage" the page appears completely...
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Latest By Support Team

25 January 2024

Started 24 January 2024 by norel

Wishlist Sitemap seems to include do not Index pages.

I believe that the Sitemap export is a relatively new function (at least to me). I'm not sure if I'm missing an option, or checkbox on a page setting. But it would seem to me, if there's a page that I...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 February 2024

Started 26 January 2024 by JRC

Wishlist HTML Export - Option for changed pages only ?

I used the HTML export often. My site is hosted on GoDaddy; I then manually send the changed HTML up to GoDaddy. The request I have, is if I go in and edit 1 or 2 pages, or 1 or 2 images... The...
3 Replies
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Latest By JRC

19 February 2024

Started 26 January 2024 by JRC

Ask a Question Import my html css pages.

Hello Nicepage team, Need your immediate support in my issue, we are using the Nicepage desktop application to build the company's internal website. I was working using one of company's employees...
2 Replies
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Latest By jack.from.canada

30 January 2024

Started 29 January 2024 by nzahid2

Ask a Question can I export only one page ?

When I am exporting HTML pages it is always exporting all pages in the site. Can I export only one, current page ?
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Latest By Support Team

30 January 2024

Started 30 January 2024 by info80272

Ask a Question Wordpress pages too wide.

when I build in html the page width is just fine, but when I build with wordpress the pages are too wide. I tried changing the page width in the settings, but it does not work. See video...
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Latest By Support Team

31 January 2024

Started 30 January 2024 by eea250002

Ask a Question Header without menu for single landing page

Hello, I am using the free trial. I am trying to recreate a landing page for lead capture that was originally built in Clickfunnels. I need to have a header for the page with a logo and a call now...
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Latest By Support Team

31 January 2024

Started 30 January 2024 by Proximitas

Ask a Question new page setup

I need someone to reach out to me too help me set up my new page with your company.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

02 February 2024

Started 01 February 2024 by 247austintowing

Ask a Question Updating one or more pages

Hello, I would like to know if a page on my website that was made with a previous version of Nicepage should be opened and re-registered again to be up to date? Is it the same for all pages? Thank...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2024

Started 03 February 2024 by Marmotte

Ask a Question When adding pages, content duplicated from other pages

When I add pages to the website, the other pages, ie siteboard2.png it contains the same content from image siteboard.png. If I delete the the content from siteboard2.png the content from...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2024

Started 06 February 2024 by dfranklin

Ask a Question product pages

Hi there. I am new to nicepage and am finding it a great asset as i am relatively new to building wordpress sites. I am looking to customise the product page but struggling with it. I wanted to add...
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Latest By Support Team

09 February 2024

Started 07 February 2024 by dwinstonx

Ask a Question delete page after I publish my website

Hi. When I publish to html. it will create duplicate page for index.html and titleIgave.html can I delete titleIgave.html without having trouble later? if so why nicepage don't do that when export to...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 February 2024

Started 07 February 2024 by joaopeixoto

Wishlist Sitemap - a working solution to obtain a sitemap page

Hello, I am completely new du NicePage. I try to replace my actual site development tool. So far, I'm very pleased with NP, inspite of lesser features compared to my previous tool. But it does the...
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Latest By Support Team

09 February 2024

Started 08 February 2024 by fischer.klaus2

Ask a Question How do I Export a Nice Page Site & Pages from online site

Hi I have NicePage on my computer the problem is I don't have a copy of my NicePage that is Online. this isn't with NicePage hosting but another hosting. My site is a WordPress site and I would like...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 February 2024

Started 08 February 2024 by CO,SQD,Festival