Ask a Question Popup Model

I want to have a Model that pops up over my page when I click on a button. The contents of the model will be an iframe. What is the best way to do this?
26 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 April 2020

Started 04 October 2018 by clickcomp

Ask a Question Menu is not working in preview mode

Hello, I use Nicepage in trial mode on my iMac. But when I try the preview in Firefox, Chrome the menu is not working. I edited the menu items co connect them to the pages. Has someone an idea...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 November 2018

Started 06 October 2018 by Tjaard Heikens

Ask a Question Nicepage framework

Hi. As I know Nicepage have own framework, right? The question is: will be Nicepage theme compatible with many of Joomla/WP extentions that created by Bootstrap 3/4? From Themler forum I read this...
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Latest By Support Team

10 October 2018

Started 09 October 2018 by Vitaliy WD

Wishlist Joomla module as Nicepage section

Hi. Can you create a Nicepage Module for Joomla that will load Nicepage editor, like a plugin did it in Articles? This will be helpfull if for some reason I want to use in Articles my default editor...
7 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By wepey15725

02 September 2024

Started 09 October 2018 by Vitaliy WD

Ask a Question How to add you own video

How to add your own video not the default video to a page or grid
15 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 July 2021

Started 10 October 2018 by speeddesigner

Ask a Question Feature: Rounded Corners with attributes

I would like to request a rounded corners feature for containers and sections. And also an option that one can choose which corners of a specific element to be rounded. For instance, I only want to...
5 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Tony

25 June 2020

Started 11 October 2018 by Christie G

Ask a Question nicepage

mobile menu proplem???
19 Replies
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26 October 2018

Started 12 October 2018 by kontakt

Ask a Question Attached files server downtime

I am noticing that attached files are very often not available due to "Server not found". Please support fix that!
8 Replies
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09 November 2018

Started 16 October 2018 by whdmike

Ask a Question embed video code in NICE PAGE

Per favore, vorrei sapere come inserire un mio video "embed video" code in una sezione di NICEPAGE. gRAZIE.
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Latest By Support Team

17 October 2018

Started 16 October 2018 by calabrese.donato2

Ask a Question index.html not same as home.html

My first site I did has wrong html. After exporting I have to delete the index.html, copy the home.html and then rename the copied home.html to index.html. This works so not a big deal unless I forget...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 June 2019

Started 17 October 2018 by lori

Ask a Question Move menu into the first slide

Can you move the menu out of the header and into the first section? Usually the first section is an image and I would like the menu to appear over it.
7 Replies
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Latest By Semprelola

20 April 2021

Started 19 October 2018 by ifawcett

Ask a Question nicepage - beta, fast wie bei Microsoft

Warum wundert es mich nicht, dass ich hier als alter Artisteer-User 77,00 $ bezahlen soll, selbst wenn es sich noch um eine Beta-Version handelt. Denn ausgereift ist Nicepage noch lange nicht als...
6 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 February 2020

Started 24 October 2018 by wilderer

Ask a Question One page website

Can I make a one page website with each section being a page? When you click on the menu name it would go down to the section on/of the page.
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 October 2021

Started 24 October 2018 by fredcate

Ask a Question cookie directive

Hi again. I used to be able to use a cookie plugin for joomla when i was just using the Artisteer template. This warned potential users when first using the site about the use of cookies and the...
8 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By w.tomassovich

03 January 2020

Started 26 October 2018 by dave5

Ask a Question Online editor

I have the last question I created a web page in the online editor and I can not save the web page to my pc. Now I downloaded the version for windows. How can I convert from online to a PC so i can...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2020

Started 28 October 2018 by rkcomp