Ask a Question enlarge pictures on klick

Hallo members, does anybody know, how I can enlarge pictures by klicking on it? Is there any possibility to integrate an external Javascript for example? Thanks Conny
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2020

Started 05 February 2020 by info1852

Ask a Question Nicepage compatibility with php 7.3

Is the Nicepage editor and thus a nicepage generated theme compatible with php 7.3+? I am blamed for using non-compatible extensions in Joomla and that is causing sites loading too slow and going...
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by BDS

Ask a Question Pug-in in German

Hi there, I would like to offer the plug-in in German for my customers. Do you have a translation file? If not, can I translate the plug-in myself? best greetings Markus
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by info19582

Wishlist UPDATED! Nicepage Update 2.6: February 6, 2020 - New Field Types in the Form, Button 2.0, Header and Footer Editing in WordPress and Joomla

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to present the new update of Nicepage 2.6. What's new in this update? Form: Text Area Type Form: Checkbox Type Page: Back-To-Top (Beta) Menu: Page...
9 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Tooltips on Buttons

Hi Support Team, I have to update some pages that I built for joomla. Right now, I noticed that the buttons have some Tooltips that are not correct. well, I would like to correct them but I cannot...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by mediaware.tv2

Report a bug Cell transparent background got solid color only after update 6.2.2020

Hello team, I`ve just updated to current version, and it seems, that cells in grid, that had some transparency set, became solid color. Any way how to fix it? E.g.:...
10 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question What are the benefits of white labeling under ultimate plan?

Hello NicePage, I do see " Customize Nicepage Plugin with your personal branding ", is this the ONLY benefit of 'white labeling' under ultimate plan? Or, are there other benefits too? Basically I...
9 Replies
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Latest By inconnecticut2

13 February 2020

Started 07 February 2020 by inconnecticut2

Ask a Question Update wordpress pages after editing

Hi! After making a small edit in wordpress using the nicepage plugin I cannot get to the update button on the wordpress page. Even though I have saved the nicepage edit when I try to close the editor...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 February 2021

Started 07 February 2020 by davidbanfield20002

Ask a Question Invisible svg links automatically added to my page

Hello, Somehow there has popped up a white block on one of my pages in Nicepage that I can't remove. I've been editing the page in Wordpress and in some way the block was automatically added. When I...
19 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 February 2020

Started 08 February 2020 by L A

Ask a Question "Unable to load" error message

After upgrading to Nice Page Joomla plugin version 2.6.2 when I open an article to edit with Nice Page I get an error message that says: Unable to load .... error code - 403 I cannot see the full...
10 Replies
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Latest By RaymondJal

15 May 2023

Started 08 February 2020 by cm6

Wishlist Save page as *.php

Hi, I'm using PHP snippets on my page and export as HMTL. When will Nicepage be able to save pages as PHP as well? It's very laborious to rename the page to *.php and replace the php include syntaxes...
16 Replies
13 Votes

Latest By Support Team

14 December 2023

Started 08 February 2020 by mail323

Ask a Question How to revert Joomla! plugin to its previous version?

Hello all, can you please guide me, how it is possible to revert Joomla! plugin of Nicepage to its previous version? I need to have site up and running as designed for client, and unfortunately, since...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 January 2021

Started 08 February 2020 by michal84

Report a bug Import/Export

Hallo, ich habe bereits ein Hosting für ein Jahr, aber leider funktioniert der Import von der Nicepage-App nicht. Einmal hat es funktionert, beim ersten Mal. Ich versuchte es auf verschiedenen...
4 Replies
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Latest By TypoMedia

12 February 2020

Started 08 February 2020 by TypoMedia

Ask a Question Duplicate Opengraph tags with SEOPress - how to disable or modify in Nicepage ?

Hi, Using Nicepage 2.6.2 desktop I filled every page's SEO title and description, then imported theme and content into WP, with SEOPress extension activated (and nicepage extension of course) 1. As...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

04 November 2020

Started 10 February 2020 by m.calay

Report a bug Footer text lost after adding social icons in WP

I had a footer with positions linked to WP widgets, working well. I added social icon in footer then saved, and all positions disappeared, just social icon remains in front-end's footer... I tried to...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 April 2020

Started 11 February 2020 by m.calay