Nicepage. Please remove the extra work.

57 Posts
MrBuilder posted this 13 November 2020
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Hi Nicepage,

I just need a simpler and quicker way to design websites. I am a web designer and build websites for many clients but your program takes me longer than other programs.

I do not want to spend hours and hours on one website and I am emphasising please

(1) Combine desktop and laptops into one. Does not matter whether you have a wide screen monitor or a smaller laptop. It should display the same. Why should we have desktop and laptops seperate. Have one for devices 992px and up
(2) Combine tablet and landscape into one. They look similiar. Devices 576px and up (to 992px)
(3) Leave portrait phones as it is. Devices less than 576px and below

WE should be having only 3 varient modes as mentioned above. As it is currently it takes me ages and so time consuming to build a website with 5 varients.

Thank you

Hi Nicepage, I just need a simpler and quicker way to design websites. I am a web designer and build websites for many clients but your program takes me longer than other programs. I do not want to spend hours and hours on one website and I am emphasising please **(1) Combine desktop and laptops into one. Does not matter whether you have a wide screen monitor or a smaller laptop. It should display the same. Why should we have desktop and laptops seperate. Have one for devices 992px and up (2) Combine tablet and landscape into one. They look similiar. Devices 576px and up (to 992px) (3) Leave portrait phones as it is. Devices less than 576px and below** WE should be having only 3 varient modes as mentioned above. As it is currently it takes me ages and so time consuming to build a website with 5 varients. Thank you
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 November 2020


We have added your request to our wish list.

Please note that the smaller one uses its styling to adopt if you start with the bigger screen. You can always start from the beginning, and it is faster in many ways. Please attach your project, and we will try to understand what causes problems.

Also, please schedule a live demo at, and our demo team will try to show the process the best way they can. You can also contact them on Skype at nicepage_1. Please note that they might be busy. Therefore, it is better to schedule the call.

Also, please refer to the following articles:

Allen R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Neeraj, We have added your request to our wish list. Please note that the smaller one uses its styling to adopt if you start with the bigger screen. You can always start from the beginning, and it is faster in many ways. Please attach your project, and we will try to understand what causes problems. Also, please schedule a live demo at, and our demo team will try to show the process the best way they can. You can also contact them on Skype at nicepage_1. Please note that they might be busy. Therefore, it is better to schedule the call. Also, please refer to the following articles: ................................................... Sincerely, Allen R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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