Ask a Question Theme and content uploaded to Joomla doesn't have friendly URLs for pages

I've uploaded Nicepage theme and content to Joomla. The current state of the website can be seen at However the URLs are of the...
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2019

Started 31 January 2019 by martin333

Wishlist Semi-transparent header

You now have the option for a colored or a transparent header. It would be very nice to have a 50% transparent header, so that the header (and menu) is less present, but still stands out a little from...
9 Replies
20 Votes

Latest By Support Team

18 September 2019

Started 31 January 2019 by pietercooreman

Ask a Question Review of NP after 48h usage

Owkey, these are my first impressions. Let's start with the PRO's: + Nicepage is simply a-m-a-z-i-n-g when it comes to grid layouts, free positioning and layer-based design... The sky is the limit....
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Latest By Support Team

01 February 2019

Started 31 January 2019 by pietercooreman

Report a bug Missing

Hello, While debugging my websites I found this error Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (, line 0) You can view this at...
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Latest By Support Team

26 August 2020

Started 01 February 2019 by kenneth.lang

Ask a Question Different FOOTER

I have a bilingual website. How do I create my own footer section for each language (ENGLISH, CZECH)?
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2019

Started 02 February 2019 by slaninak

Ask a Question Joomla articles 'Read more' links not shown with blog template

Got a existing site for which I already have content. Creating a new design with Nicepage Desktop and exporting/importing the template only in Joomla 3.9. Only the joomla enabled system plugin 'Button...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2019

Started 02 February 2019 by nicepage.com3

Ask a Question Nicepage locks up after making a new page

I have a website,, and it has been working great. I added a new page to the website entitled, "Our Belief" and save the work (about 3 sections with two graphics that I've...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2019

Started 04 February 2019 by johnny.fowler2

Wishlist It would be a nice option if you add transparent to FILL COLOR FILL Image

Hello, It would be a nice option if you add transparent to FILL COLOR FILL Image on Section nor category or Page Instead of 4 options you have
2 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 February 2019

Started 04 February 2019 by liridon

Ask a Question Cannot remove image border

Add an image - to a header, section. anywhere in fact. Use the Border control to add a border. But how do you remove a border completely ? I have to remove the image, then put it back.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2019

Started 05 February 2019 by Jacob Rees-Mogg

Ask a Question Adding HTML / Code

I am trying to create a new page online and need to add some HTML. I notice that the add HTML is only available on the desktop version?? The problem, the online/live site is out of synch with desktop...
12 Replies
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31 May 2024

Started 06 February 2019 by john13

Ask a Question How to add Site Title and Tag line

How do I position the site title and tagline in the header for the theme? Then how do I format them?
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2019

Started 06 February 2019 by dtalbot2

Ask a Question Why won't this video play?

Hi, Loving Nicepage so far. Can you tell me why I can't click play on this video ? Here's the original: No matter what changes I make to the...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 February 2019

Started 07 February 2019 by lynchtechny

Ask a Question Need licecense recommendation

I run 5 different wordpress blogs (5 different domains). I need to use NicePage with all of them. Which licence do you recommend me to buy? Thanks!
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2019

Started 07 February 2019 by rlaria

Ask a Question Bizarre links in embedded pdf

In pdf embedded with shortcode in a site with a nicepage template, the links that are in the document are one line below the text of the link. see This behaviour...
13 Replies
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Latest By RaymondJal

11 May 2023

Started 08 February 2019 by

Ask a Question Page size bigger than template

Hello, i have a problem, the page size is bigger than my Themler template. Look here : My template is 970px large. The nicepage page is...
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

14 February 2019

Started 10 February 2019 by frederic