Ask a Question Tabel setup

Hello, Is it also possible to determine the layout of a table. That if a new page is created (not made in NicePage but just in Wordpress), and you insert a Table, that the formatting is right. Like...
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Latest By Support Team

06 November 2019

Started 06 December 2018 by Pianoman

Ask a Question grid

I have selected a 5 x 3 grid to display some pictures……. How do I add more rows to this grid...??
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Latest By Willem

07 December 2018

Started 06 December 2018 by sigma

Ask a Question Element ID?

Is it possible to add element id to items eg. containers, images etc? I have a site I need to use javascript to enable and disable elements with mouse click on button. For sections this is possible...
4 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By gmande

02 January 2021

Started 07 December 2018 by janne3

Ask a Question header width and menu links

Hi, just 2 questions: 1 - I need a fluid (100%) header. is it doable? I cannot strecht the header section beyond the boxed limits. 2 - Is it doable a Voice Menu that links to an url or an email...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 August 2021

Started 14 December 2018 by mediaware.tv2

Wishlist Adding 2 different forms to one Nicepage project?

Is there any way to use 2 different forms within one project? And if so, how can I realize that? Thank you for your answer in advance Brita
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Latest By whdmike

16 December 2018

Started 15 December 2018 by brita.seifert

Wishlist Custom Style Sheet

I would like the ability to add a Custom CSS style sheet as part of the website set-up that if selected would add the to all pages. Added to this the ability to edit the Custom Style Sheet from within...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2018

Started 16 December 2018 by

Wishlist In line text editing

The ability to open a text block in the equivalent of the "text" view in WordPress (rather than the current Visual view) to enable html code to be added. For example, being able the add...
6 Replies
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18 November 2019

Started 16 December 2018 by

Wishlist Numbered List

I would like the ability to set the starting number and style of an ordered list. The ability to have a list that 'numbers' 1,2,3 or i, ii, iii or a,b,c plus being able to set the start point....
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Latest By Support Team

17 December 2018

Started 16 December 2018 by

Wishlist Scaling Images

When scaling an image where the size values are shown in the righthand pane have the ability to set that the scaling is proportional so as the size of, for example, width is changed the height scales...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 September 2019

Started 16 December 2018 by

Ask a Question Having To Redo Responsive Pages

After completing a page, I'm finding I have to realign the content for each pages on all the smaller screens. This does not seem right. Am I doing something incorrect. After a perfect page on a larger...
2 Replies
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Latest By jessicajaury

06 April 2021

Started 18 December 2018 by dmarchione

Ask a Question Veröffentlichen mit ihrer Subdomain

Wenn es nicht möglich ist, meine mit nicepage erstellte Seite auf meiner eigenen Domain zu veröffentlichen, dann ist nicepage für mich unbrauchbar! Auch wenn ich eine Seite erstelle, Bilder einfüge...
7 Replies
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24 December 2018

Started 20 December 2018 by Pixelman

Ask a Question joomla module positions not available

Hi there, Joomla. I need 2 modules in home page. a text module and a form module. I have a section In the section I have a grid (simple 2 cols grid) In the right cell of the grid I Add the 2...
14 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 December 2018

Started 21 December 2018 by mediaware.tv2

Ask a Question Nicepage-1.0.184

Good Day what has changed on Nicepage version-1.0.184? Regards Mario
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26 December 2018

Started 26 December 2018 by

Ask a Question What were the improvements for the last update

Are the changes/updates/fixed items included in each update of Nicepage posted anyplace that we can read?
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Latest By Support Team

26 December 2018

Started 26 December 2018 by ljordan2

Ask a Question Question & Feedback For You

So I had a lots of time with your nice page software and here is some questsions, feedback and featres…. (1) What is the background image resolution in pixels that will cover the width of all...
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Latest By Support Team

09 January 2019

Started 31 December 2018 by xxxTRISTAMxxx