Ask a Question widgets doesn't appear in wordpress panel

hello! i created wordpress theme and added own widgets, unfortunately these widgets doesn't appear in wordpress admin panel. maybe i don't know how it works? WP ver. 5.9.1
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09 March 2022

Started 09 March 2022 by ask.artur2

Ask a Question The EU cookies popup appears every time I click on a page

The EU cookies popup appears every time I click on a page or navigate through my website. I'm wondering if there's a way to make it appear only once.
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14 April 2023

Started 10 March 2022 by sakis

Ask a Question Any HTML boxes fade out if placed under a text block, but appear when page is scrolled.

Since the last update, I have found any HTML boxes that are inserted under any text block, fades out and can only be seen when the page is scrolled down, even thought the top half of the HTML block...
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22 March 2022

Started 11 March 2022 by usalabs14

Ask a Question White Label - Client restrictions

Hello there, For years now I'm a user of the Ultimate plan from NicePage and I would like to know how to HIDE the pre-designed templates from Clients. In resume, I need some clients to have access...
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2022

Started 11 March 2022 by Arkymedes

Ask a Question Nicepage Desktop app don't want open my projects :-(

Hello, Something wrong with my Nicepage desktop app. It doesn't open previous job. When I want import file. Always error message : Invalid Nicepage Project File I have choice of 2 format import : All...
10 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

16 March 2022

Started 16 March 2022 by acaviggia

Report a bug Deleting one element with "Apply style to Item" not working

I have List of Items with multiple elements (image, text boxes and shape). I wanted to give every item a different color, which I did by selecting "Apply Style to Item" instead of all. But...
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29 March 2022

Started 29 March 2022 by mobilu

Ask a Question cant find the website I put on host pls remove it my app got a bug

My acc doesnt looks like the one you guys show on web pag, pls see the attachmentes, something it's not right here, cant find the webpag I got on host and cant put online the one I payed for.
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01 April 2022

Started 30 March 2022 by draculalegends69

Ask a Question WooCommerce Product Description appears truncated

I have spent time creating the Product Details template in NicePage Desktop app, but for some reason the Product Description text is truncated on the front end. I have ***un***published for now as...
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14 April 2022

Started 13 April 2022 by TPixJohn

Ask a Question An app

When is Nicepage getting an app on appstore for IPhone?
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Latest By Lorik Zymberi

24 April 2022

Started 24 April 2022 by Lorik Zymberi

Report a bug Desktop App has become super slow

Not sure if this has anything to do with the recent set of updates but the app has gotten considerably slow. Publishing takes several minutes, auto save is taking time, making small changes clicking...
4 Replies
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02 May 2022

Started 28 April 2022 by payperwordltd

Report a bug Image download Issue in the Desktop App

Hi, I have an issue with the desktop app on Windows. Since today it is not possible to make a new page from premade templates. When I choose a template an error occurs - "Error loading images from...
7 Replies
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11 May 2022

Started 05 May 2022 by miroslav.cihlo

Report a bug Desktop App Not Working

I keep getting an error while trying to build a website. "Error loading images from server. Try again later"
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2022

Started 05 May 2022 by asmith82

Ask a Question A Nicepage marker appears when I publish the page

A Nicepage marker appears when I publish the page I created on the Nicepage server. Will the mark disappear if I publish it under my own domain name?
2 Replies
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Latest By sakis

07 May 2022

Started 07 May 2022 by sakis

Ask a Question every time I go to another page the Cookies popup appears

I publish my website to test it and find that every time I go to another page the Cookies popup appears
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Latest By sakis

15 May 2022

Started 11 May 2022 by sakis

Ask a Question font size is different for app and website

Hello! The problem from version to version of the application for windows: in the header there is a button to start a phone call and its font differs significantly in size between the application and...
9 Replies
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Latest By wawbru

18 May 2022

Started 12 May 2022 by wawbru