Ask a Question Newby questions......

Just exploring what is on offer.....some quick questions: 1) Can I (where?) change HTML within a page? Similarly ADD my own html to a page (eg custom 3rd party form) 2) Can I add HTML description etc...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2020

Started 18 March 2020 by graham37

Ask a Question Google analytics ID - is not include in my website after export

I have an issue with google analytics. I have add Analytics ID to Nicepage and export project. But when i import to joomla and run website, google analytics has no hit of visitor. When I check source...
12 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 May 2020

Started 21 March 2020 by project.kukang

Ask a Question Breezing forms pro and NP not working

I have another issue with Nicepage and Breezing Forms Pro. I have tried to integrate BF in NP and it used to work. I did a form using shortcode and it did work, but now it doesn't. I am getting the...
4 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By kinju_oz

10 May 2020

Started 27 March 2020 by Dale Walters

Ask a Question How to create login form, Cannot ready blocks for Html elements like table & frame

Why is there no inbuilt block for below two most frequently used html elements ? Please dont recommend solution of using the html code for this. Why not have a ready block for it? What is stopping you...
11 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By dryerboy

08 May 2021

Started 28 March 2020 by meghalplus

Report a bug Index redirects wronf

When I uploaded my theme (to a testsite) then something goes wrong with the index. If I go to the site, ( theme is not shown but it shows a default wordpress page. When I...
7 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By claudia.harkema

15 April 2020

Started 29 March 2020 by claudia.harkema

Ask a Question I'm missing something here, getting 404 Error pages....

Joomla - Manage - Main Menu - 9 Menu Items Joomla - Content - Articles - 9 Articles NicePage Joomla Extension - Page - 9 Page If I click on an article, it shows up the 'Edit Article' page, in the...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2020

Started 30 March 2020 by Urban Kaos

Wishlist Nicepage 2.11: April 2, 2020 - Block Search. Embedding Fonts In WordPress and Joomla

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are glad to release the new update of Nicepage 2.11. What's new in this update? Theme: Embed Google Fonts for WordPress Theme and Joomla Template Block:...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

06 April 2020

Started 02 April 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question KOP-regel

Why is it that I always lose my kop-regel?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 April 2020

Started 02 April 2020 by e.vingerhoed

Ask a Question joomla extension

I have build all my pages form nicepage joomla extension and I have checked if I save nicepage header and footer but its switch back to the joomla theme and my menu bar is missing as well
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 August 2023

Started 07 April 2020 by gerrard.xcc

Ask a Question Nicepage working slow (flow)

Hi, I enjoy Nicepage and would like to be even more familiar with the software. Many times I feel that Nicepage's behavior is slow, when you work with it. Especially drag and drop, resize cells and...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 December 2020

Started 15 April 2020 by charlie61

Ask a Question Two Home Pages

I have never understood why Nicepage makes two homepages for my html websites. Please tell me why because search engines typically see duplicate content as a negative, causing the site to rank lower...
59 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By msjr

6 days ago

Started 20 April 2020 by charles

Wishlist Nicepage 2.13: April 23, 2020 - Improved Gallery. Slider Category. 4000+ Block Designs.

Dear Nicepage Community Members! We are delighted to present the new Nicepage 2.13. What's New In This Update? Gallery Improvements Gallery and Slider Block Categories Actual Menu in WordPress...
13 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By FOXIK

29 April 2020

Started 23 April 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question joomla login page no responsive

I have a nicepage site created with the Joomla nicepage extension. I created a login menu item from Joomla which goes to a login page. That page looks great on a desktop or laptop, but it doesn't...
4 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 August 2021

Started 28 April 2020 by je1816

Ask a Question Hamburger panel not displaying

My hamburger panel is not displaying consistently. When I resize my browser to make it appear on my desktop, it works fine from the off-canvas. When I access the site using my phone, the panel doesn't...
12 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 June 2022

Started 06 May 2020 by chrisbegeman

Ask a Question Nicepage in Joomla

I am very satisfied generally with Nicepage. I am using it in Joomla for several sites now. One issue I do have is that when editing content, one cannot edit using the Menu option to get to connected...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 May 2020

Started 06 May 2020 by chris693