Ask a Question I can't find the ALT attribute for images

Gentlemen, in some cases I can't find the field where to insert the ALT attribute to place in the images .. in some fields or items in a block you have the option and in others not. This detail is...
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Latest By Support Team

01 March 2021

Started 28 February 2021 by medradoconsultoria

Ask a Question Text Wrap Around Images

When are you going to have text wrap around an image? This is a very important feature which is standard in most apps. Many people are requesting this!!
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Latest By Support Team

03 April 2023

Started 11 March 2021 by wnoble

Ask a Question Stock Images

Propably you have already answered it but to be sure... there are pictures from pixabay that you can integrate in the webpage without mentioning something (just mentioned it in legal terms) then you...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2021

Started 12 March 2021 by info51

Ask a Question Using Stock Images in client websites

Sorry to ask again... if I understand it correct When I include a image there is the tab "from nicepage". I can download (limited downloads) images in 3 sizes. As I understand it I download it from...
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Latest By Support Team

15 March 2021

Started 12 March 2021 by info51

Ask a Question Templates and Deleting Template Images

After editing a template and changing most of the photos is it okay to delete all the unused images from the original template so as not to clutter up the image folders and such like! Same question...
2 Replies
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Latest By Web-Aztec

14 March 2021

Started 14 March 2021 by Web-Aztec

Ask a Question Flipping Images

Is there any possibility how to flip an image (mirror sides)? Thanks
2 Replies
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22 December 2021

Started 25 March 2021 by v.arnold999

Wishlist Request: Native Image Optimization

Currently, I believe this may be the biggest feature missing from Nicepage... the ability to effectively manage image optimization on responsive design. Image optimization integration working with...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By pacificstorm1

28 January 2022

Started 28 March 2021 by Xochipelli

Wishlist name of pics.

In my humble opinion it would be easyer to see the name of the image that is being used in a web-page. Even so it would be easyer if the list of pimages used would be in chronological or alphabethical...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2021

Started 04 April 2021 by fred7

Wishlist ALT tags for rich text images

It would be nice to be able to give ALT tags to images imbedded in a text - rich text images.
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Latest By Support Team

23 April 2021

Started 22 April 2021 by teddy202

Wishlist Can you please create an "Image Optimization" feature.

Can you please create an "Image Optimization" feature. This feature would optimize images so they are not too high in file size and would automatically be resizes image files for the entire site or...
2 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By troyinaz

23 April 2021

Started 23 April 2021 by troyinaz


Downloaded the latest versions of Nicepage. When I tried to export HTML it would not let me do it to the folder I have always used. Told me it couldn't export to a folder with Project files in it -...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 May 2021

Started 27 April 2021 by effectiveconcepts2

Ask a Question zoom crop on small images

Hello, I'm trying to zoom in on a crop on a smallish image, but the zoom slider that appears in the crop tool on larger images is missing. Is there a way to do this? Thanks, - David
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2021

Started 04 May 2021 by david13662

Ask a Question identify the image used in the page

Hi How can I identify which image has been used on the page so that it can be replaced with a similar one, but perhaps of less weight? During a montage it is possible to change the image, but from the...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2022

Started 05 May 2021 by mconta2

Ask a Question Creating themes from images

How can I make the page I create into a complete blog? Nothing is linked after I generate the design.
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Latest By Support Team

24 May 2021

Started 23 May 2021 by momtraders

Ask a Question The images cannot be used as the background

Good day. Thanks for the reply The images cannot be used as the background of the stock of photos, an error appears. Image is attached. We have also seen that the plugin version is 3.14, but it...
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2021

Started 29 May 2021 by datacenter