Ask a Question Product Details images seem to be of thumbnail resolution and quality

Hi, I'm using the latest desktop version to create my themes (3.3.3). The product images on my product details pages seem to be thumbnail resolution:
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Latest By Support Team

06 January 2021

Started 31 December 2020 by john.giannangeli

Ask a Question Paul

I want login with user name and password facility and file upload facility in my website, does this product help to add such features in the website
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Latest By Support Team

13 January 2021

Started 13 January 2021 by sudhakar.t.paul

Ask a Question Freepik images

Dear team, when using a template from the library, in many occasion, below the images I see "Images from freepik". 1) Can we use the image from freepik? 2) Can we remove the sentence "Images from...
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Latest By Support Team

19 January 2021

Started 18 January 2021 by helpdeskvaneenoo

Ask a Question Image Editing

How do I edit an image, I have a computer screen with another company name, I want to edit it so it matches our company name
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 January 2021

Started 21 January 2021 by vernonpurcell3200

Ask a Question Can not drag and position images freely on my ipad pro

Hello, When I try to position images in a block, I can only align them to the grid and not freely position them. Neither can I take blocks and move them in the block navigator up or down. I am using...
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Latest By Support Team

22 January 2021

Started 22 January 2021 by v.arnold999

Ask a Question New User - images and design not sending with email

Hi - I am new to using Nicepage and have created a perfect HTML file for what we need.. but when I send the file via email the pictures do not show up for the recipient (or for me when I view the file...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 February 2021

Started 28 January 2021 by maxmcauley

Ask a Question Nicepage NON salva il progetto. Nicepage DONT save the project !

Fai il progetto, lo salvi, lo esporti e poi non si vedono le immagini o le nuove impostazioni? perchè nicepage non salva. Dopo settimane di prove credo di aver capito quale sia il problema! Ho...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2021

Started 03 February 2021 by selector

Wishlist Options features

I would like the following features to be added below: 1) Disable templates for clients; 2) Related posts in the blog; 3) Link to previous and later post in the blog; 4) Independent sidebar for...
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By webeditor

01 February 2023

Started 08 February 2021 by Gilson_RG

Ask a Question Gallery Images asymmetrically

Is there a way to display gallery images asymmetrically in the row? I could display the images asymmetrically in the grid, but I need hover effect with text like it is possible with a...
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2021

Started 22 February 2021 by Kay

Ask a Question Images

hello Are all images in Elements free to use? Both the from Nicepage and from Pixabay? Ursula
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24 February 2021

Started 23 February 2021 by falkringe

Ask a Question Tables for features and price lists

Hi, Is it possible in Nicepage Desktop HTML website creator to create Tables, which can be used to display lists of product/service features? And the same question to then list features of a service...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 November 2021

Started 24 February 2021 by Web-Aztec

Report a bug Building new websites from URL no longer works.

I used to be able to enter a client's facebook or instagram page URL and Nicepage would automatically build a website using posts and images from those pages. This was great for quickly putting up...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 February 2021

Started 25 February 2021 by Lynn

Wishlist Generating new webbsites

Sorry if this have been asked previous. When generating pages with auto images. Could be helpful to have a back button if you like the previous designs better or/and have a button to save to next...
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Latest By Support Team

26 February 2021

Started 25 February 2021 by RS Dennis

Ask a Question Lifetime - Pro License Expires, features stop working.

Everyone should know that after the 1 year license expires, you will lose features on your Nicepage desktop app, Flaticon stops working and in my case no animations work in safari browser AT ALL....
2 Replies
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Latest By aplicacioneswebs

26 February 2021

Started 26 February 2021 by webxsite

Ask a Question I can't download images

Hi, I purchase the Nicepage licence in blackfriday with the bonus of the Stock images but now I can't download. Why? Thanks in advance
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Latest By Support Team

01 March 2021

Started 27 February 2021 by clmm.webmaster