name of pics.

2 Posts
fred7 posted this 04 April 2021

In my humble opinion it would be easyer to see the name of the image that is being used in a web-page. Even so it would be easyer if the list of pimages used would be in chronological or alphabethical order. Or even the use of different folders would be usefull. Now you have to browse your entire library to find the image you need.

In my humble opinion it would be easyer to see the name of the image that is being used in a web-page. Even so it would be easyer if the list of pimages used would be in chronological or alphabethical order. Or even the use of different folders would be usefull. Now you have to browse your entire library to find the image you need.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 April 2021

Hi Fred,

Thanks for contacting us

Open the Nicepage in WordPress. Through the "Add Image">>My Images, you can see all your images that had been used on your website.
You can use Search Images as well.


Best Regards,
Ahmad M.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Fred, Thanks for contacting us Open the Nicepage in WordPress. Through the **"Add Image">>My Images**, you can see all your images that had been used on your website. You can use ***Search Images*** as well. !add-image-wp.png! Best Regards, ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad M. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 April 2021


If in the property panel, then we have added your request to our wish list.

Allen R.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
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Fred, If in the property panel, then we have added your request to our wish list. ................................................... Sincerely, Allen R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
2 Posts
fred7 posted this 05 April 2021

In my humble opinion it would be easyer to see the name of the image that is being used in a web-page. Even so it would be easyer if the list of pimages used would be in chronological or alphabethical order. Or even the use of different folders would be usefull. Now you have to browse your entire library to find the image you need.

I can tell you that after installing the latest update I can only see a few of my uploaded images, not all of them. That makes it harder to browse the list. And if I want to change an image, I can not see what the name of the image that is being used is. That is the problem I would like to be solved.

Now I have to browse for the folder in Finder (Imac) and look for the pictures that I have already uploaded but can't find in Nicepage.

> In my humble opinion it would be easyer to see the name of the image that is being used in a web-page. Even so it would be easyer if the list of pimages used would be in chronological or alphabethical order. Or even the use of different folders would be usefull. Now you have to browse your entire library to find the image you need. I can tell you that after installing the latest update I can only see a few of my uploaded images, not all of them. That makes it harder to browse the list. And if I want to change an image, I can not see what the name of the image that is being used is. That is the problem I would like to be solved. Now I have to browse for the folder in Finder (Imac) and look for the pictures that I have already uploaded but can't find in Nicepage.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 April 2021


Can you please procide a screenshot?

You can also roll back to an older version,

please take another screenshot after that as well.

Allen R.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
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Fred, Can you please procide a screenshot? You can also roll back to an older version, please take another screenshot after that as well. ................................................... Sincerely, Allen R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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