It seems like the Unchain Icon is no longer available when trying to remove a hyper link.

12 Posts
graphicsunleashed posted this 06 June 2021
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Good Day, I am not sure if this only happened to me, but it seems like the 'unchain' icon is gone... I.e. I am trying to remove a hyperlink from a button but I am unable to do so. Please advise. Kind Regards Gavin

Good Day, I am not sure if this only happened to me, but it seems like the 'unchain' icon is gone... I.e. I am trying to remove a hyperlink from a button but I am unable to do so. Please advise. Kind Regards Gavin
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12 Posts
graphicsunleashed posted this 06 June 2021

On That note I have another Wish list item... If one can select more than one item at a time to hyperlink it one time to the same link or to at least also be able to like tick 'open in different window' for all of them at once. Cause I am busy hyperlinking loads of names, and I need them all open in different window, so that browsers can stay on my client's website, but now I am having to select all those names one at a time to click 'open in different window'.

On That note I have another Wish list item... If one can select more than one item at a time to hyperlink it one time to the same link or to at least also be able to like tick 'open in different window' for all of them at once. Cause I am busy hyperlinking loads of names, and I need them all open in different window, so that browsers can stay on my client's website, but now I am having to select all those names one at a time to click 'open in different window'.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 07 June 2021

Hi, Gavin,

Yes, we have removed the Unchain button. If you want to change a hyperlink, just click on the "Add Hyperlink" button. If you want to delete a hyperlink, you have to remove the whole Button.

Concerning your second request, we will take it into our consideration and we have added it to our wishlist.
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Gavin, Yes, we have removed the Unchain button. If you want to change a hyperlink, just click on the "Add Hyperlink" button. If you want to delete a hyperlink, you have to remove the whole Button. Concerning your second request, we will take it into our consideration and we have added it to our wishlist. ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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