Ask a Question error saving page after update to 2.6.2

After upgrading tot Newpage 2.6.2 I get an error while saving my changes on a page: # I started a new setup, but I found out the error didn't exist anymore. Probably a cache issue? The massage can...
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Latest By Support Team

04 November 2020

Started 09 February 2020 by Wouter

Report a bug Some page links not working after WP import - numbers instead of URL

Some links created in Nicepage desktop are not "working" right after WP import - 9 digit numbers instead of page url (i.e. - although links were correctly mentioned in...
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Latest By m.calay

11 February 2020

Started 10 February 2020 by m.calay

Ask a Question How to add custom hyperlink i.e. an other page block anchor ?

I would like to link to another page and refer to a block anchor, like "/anotherpagename#anchor" it seems to be erased by nicepage and replaced by "#", so how can i do ? Thank you
2 Replies
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Latest By m.calay

11 February 2020

Started 10 February 2020 by m.calay

Ask a Question Different options for export and import themes and pages

Trying to understand the various export and import functions in WordPress... In Nicepage for Desktop, the following export options are available: Theme Theme Colors and Typography, Header with...
2 Replies
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Latest By iclickprofit

09 March 2020

Started 13 February 2020 by Alan Henness

Ask a Question Cannot edit Nicepage pages directly in Wordpress, cookie issue

Hi, When I try to edit a Nicepage page in my wordpress site I am presented with the login dialog and after entering my credentials and submitting, I get the following message: "Your browser is...
34 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 June 2021

Started 13 February 2020 by Greg J

Ask a Question I exported my nice page to Joomla I need to make a change on the footer but I cant make any edit where it is that located.

I exported my nice page to Joomla I need to make a change on the footer but I can't make any edit where it is that located. How do i edit the footer once I exported it to Joomla and where in Joomla...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2020

Started 14 February 2020 by designtryx

Ask a Question Upload of single pages

Even if I change only one letter on a page, the whole project will be uploaded again. Is there a way to avoid that?
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2020

Started 18 February 2020 by TypoMedia

Ask a Question Error unable to load page

Working in the desktop version, I have a site with 7 pages. I can open all 7 pages and work on them as normal. But when I leave a page, I get: ERROR ... unable to load page. I click OK and just...
9 Replies
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Latest By Ch3vr0n

15 May 2020

Started 25 February 2020 by jtlodi

Wishlist "Lazy-load" images feature would be nice

Hello team, I would like to ask, whether there is a chance in some future releases, to allow configuration of some images on page (that are within the viewport) to load immediately, but apply...
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By michal84

07 November 2022

Started 25 February 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question change color logo by page

i need to change the logo color by page. niceapp allows it?
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Latest By Support Team

02 March 2020

Started 28 February 2020 by accounts392

Ask a Question edit pages in joomla

Hello I have a business license why I can not edit pages on my joomla?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2020

Started 06 March 2020 by danieloliveirax2

Ask a Question URGENT!! Scroll Page

Hello When you click on menu to scroll page to BLOCK its blinks a lot ... it s not smooth scroll the same if you are on some block and click again on menu to scroll to the same block its blinks a lot...
2 Replies
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Latest By icoslaw

07 March 2020

Started 07 March 2020 by icoslaw

Ask a Question Create a literature reference list on my page

I would like to create a literature reference list on my page ... is there anything else, than just adding text blocks?
2 Replies
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Latest By adevigus

12 March 2020

Started 09 March 2020 by adevigus

Ask a Question cloning a page in Wordpress

is it possible to clone a page or section in Wordpress and apply it to another page?
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2020

Started 09 March 2020 by tom7

Ask a Question nicepage wp online: doesn't show all my images in a specific page

In the web there are several pages created with nicepage in wp. In the last page created "E POI", when I try to change a picture with nicepage, the new window MY PICTURES only...
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Latest By Support Team

12 March 2020

Started 12 March 2020 by jmi.chavarria