Report a bug Сбиваются шрифты в шапке

Здравствуйте, при предпросмотре в браузере и публикации на сервер сбиваются шрифты в шапке на некоторых страницах сайта. При просмотре в программе на ПК всё нормально. Как должно быть:...
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Latest By Support Team

14 December 2021

Started 22 November 2021 by PK Profil

Ask a Question How to turn new block into design

when i import a block with fonts and colors different from theme setup how to quikly reset and turn into theme colors and fontS
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2021

Started 29 November 2021 by honza.hrodek2

Wishlist Nicepage 4.2: December 15, 2021 - What's New In This Update

Dear Users and Followers! We are glad to present the new Nicepage 4.2 update. Quick Access Panel Add Elements and Add Blocks MergedMy Library in Quick AccessModal Popup Duplicate, Copy And...
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12 Votes

Latest By Support Team

14 December 2021

Started 14 December 2021 by Support Team

Ask a Question Google Fonts - Matching "class" & "id" with "style.css"

Bonjour, 1°/ Comment ajouter de nouvelles polices google dans l'application web 2°/ Comment rafraîchir le cache pour prise en compte des modifications et des tests 3°/ enfin, SVP, comment matcher...
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Latest By Support Team

20 December 2021

Started 19 December 2021 by antiopejm

Ask a Question Re: Please advise

Hi Oleg. I am really enjoying using your software, a bit of a learning curve but able to create some stunning websites. My query. What would you suggest to use The Golden ration/Sacred geometry into...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2022

Started 03 January 2022 by vrreallife101

Report a bug Important - Sarah AlDera

Hello Yesterday I subscribed to the premium, but it did not work on my account as when I use fonts or templates I get a message of unsubscribe! I have important work to do, but because of the...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 January 2022

Started 12 January 2022 by sarahtaldera

Ask a Question terrible software when you got used tot Artisteer

In the past we used several versions of Artisteer just for creating templates voor our Joomla-website-configurations. Artisteer doesn't excist anymore, there we thought NicePage would be a lot of the...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 January 2022

Started 14 January 2022 by brimahandel

Ask a Question GDPR rules

Hello, currently the cookies popup is in English. How can I change it in romanian and maybe add an option to it? Thank you.
4 Replies
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Latest By carlo.micsescu

21 January 2022

Started 20 January 2022 by carlo.micsescu

Ask a Question COOKIES

Bonsoir , est il possible de personnaliser le texte cookies, si oui comment. Merci
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 January 2022

Started 20 January 2022 by Christian Jumelet

Ask a Question rotate function and font preview

Could you add the rotate function and font automatic preview for the premium fonts as for the free ones?
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Latest By Support Team

04 February 2022

Started 03 February 2022 by quickreviewschannel

Ask a Question Joomla - Category List

How to control the design of the page called by the "Category List" menu item type in Joomla? What do I have to do for this in a new template?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2022

Started 07 February 2022 by post3092

Wishlist EU cookie law

Hi NP-Team, as the DSGVO / GDPR changed in December 2021 cookie consent banners must offer the ability to decline. NP has the ability to show a decline button but has no functionality behind it. Yes,...
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By krippels

26 July 2023

Started 11 February 2022 by thilo

Ask a Question Font size for each screen size

Hi! I have seen that if i set font size in theme setting than it will be same for all screen size. Is there option where i can set font size different for different screen? I mean if a para font is...
8 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 December 2022

Started 13 February 2022 by markzuke

Ask a Question Post content cannot edit!

Dear Nicepage, You have been so supportive unfortunately up to now I can not use the blog in my nice page extension. If I create a blog template and try to add a post I cannot edit the Post...
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 May 2024

Started 17 February 2022 by akena05


Hey Nicepage Team. I would like change the size of the X (CLOSE BUTTON) size in hamburger menu with CSS or any other method. Is it possible to guide me to target the right CSS element or help find...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 February 2023

Started 22 February 2022 by axopoulosdennis