Ask a Question Use Google recaptcha DSGVO / GDPR complian

Hi, after several attempts and problems I also managed to embed the Google Wbe Fonts in the Nicepage web pages. That is already good. However, I have now noticed that when using a Google ReCaptcha V3,...
2 Replies
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Latest By dh3259

19 December 2022

Started 23 October 2022 by kontakt27

Ask a Question How to remove reCAPTCHA V3 from Site.

How can I remove the reCAPTCHA from my site at all? I need to remove it really within the html code due german law problems with data privacy. Hiding is not an option. Need to remove the link/code to...
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Latest By Support Team

27 October 2022

Started 27 October 2022 by IConsulting

Wishlist Nicepage 4.21: November 2, 2022 - Contact Form Leads

Dear Users and Subscribers! We are pleased to deliver the new update of Nicepage 4.21. What's New in This Update? Contact Form Leads Form Submission Leads Lead Submission EmailLeads Link From...
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2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

02 November 2022

Started 02 November 2022 by Support Team

Wishlist Possibility to choose reCaptcha use

I wish possibility to choose reCaptcha use with this selections a) no use completly b) use of reCaptcha v2 c) use of reCaptcha v3 This would help all - those who want no use, "I am not a robot"...
5 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

07 November 2022

Started 03 November 2022 by info44392

Ask a Question Europäischen DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung)

Sehr geehrtes Team von NIcepage, laut der europäischen DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung) ist es strafbar, wenn man über den Google Server Schriften nachlädt. Es wäre sehr sinnvoll, dass man in...
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2022

Started 09 November 2022 by moewe

Wishlist Nicepage 5.0 Release & Black Friday Sale!

Dear Users and Followers! We are delighted to release Nicepage 5.0, completing another productive year and unlocking further opportunities for new altitudes for our unique and your favorite site...
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16 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 November 2022

Started 17 November 2022 by Support Team

Report a bug Font export funktioniert nicht

Hey, Ich habe folgendes Problem: beim export der Seite aus Nicepage zu Wordpress wird der Font Ordner nicht mit exportiert. Es wird kein "Font" Ordner generiert in der export .zip. "Google Fonts...
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Latest By Support Team

21 November 2022

Started 21 November 2022 by Reik

Ask a Question the page export is not what it looks like in the template

I have paid the fee, but the page export is not what it looks like in the template. Many things are not displayed, pictures are not displayed, fonts are changed, the format is very messy, and there...
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Latest By Support Team

22 November 2022

Started 22 November 2022 by tracyli365

Ask a Question Export Template product list and product details only?

Hello to everyone. After modifying product list and product details, is it possible to export and upload to WP only these 2 templates? Because they are not editable in WP with NP. Or do I need to...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2022

Started 15 December 2022 by 25392510

Wishlist Updates + Improvement Tips.

You have been updating usability and forms for more than a year, and it is useless for the vast majority. Keep in mind that the learning curve is fundamental for the understanding of the tool, and...
3 Replies
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Latest By aplicacioneswebs

17 February 2023

Started 21 December 2022 by aplicacioneswebs

Report a bug I have paid for a Personal Premium license but I dont believe Im getting the proper service with it.

For instance, I do not have any access to the vast majority of the promised 900 fonts, so I definitely am not receiving complete full design customization features. I would dearly appreciate it if...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

03 January 2023

Started 03 January 2023 by davidjamesshaver

Ask a Question Menu Error

Our menu shows the following error :while open the site. {"container_class":"u-align-left u-menu u-menu-one-level u-offcanvas u-menu-1","menu_class":"u-custom-font u-font-oswald u-nav u-spacing-2...
26 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

02 February 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by marabeeindia

Ask a Question The active theme has a version lower than the plugin version. Please update the theme too. -error

Hello, can i export the Wordpress theme into the desktop Nicepage App?? Or do I have to create the complete design again in nicepage? :( :(
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Latest By Support Team

08 March 2023

Started 07 March 2023 by Stefan MAIL:

Ask a Question How to change html's base-size to 37.5px?

How to change html's base-size to 37.5px?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2023

Started 10 March 2023 by ouaisheinie

Ask a Question TABs block

Hi i have been using tabs blocks for a web site and its been going really well but now if i add a new block i cant change fonts for titles or sub or text on the item background the tools do not...
2 Replies
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Latest By russellpainting2

17 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by russellpainting2