Ask a Question Slider in mobile version, we need the finger slide to work

Hello nice page team, how can we do that in the available versions the slider with the finger of the slider can work? We have noticed that it does not work naturally and is a functionality that would...
16 Replies
21 Votes

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16 February 2021

Started 11 November 2019 by spatier

Ask a Question Problems with the height of various browsers

Hi, forgive my English. I can't get 100% of the browser's height, although the setting is correct. From display to display, the result changes, as you can see from the attached video. Can you help...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 November 2019

Started 12 November 2019 by ecommerce4

Report a bug Template not installing on Wordpress

Good day I am experiencing difficulties installing a Wordpress theme I have compiled on Nicepage. I upload the Zip file and then get an error message. I have tried numerous times without success....
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Latest By Support Team

18 November 2019

Started 12 November 2019 by Domain Host Pro Admin

Wishlist Hamburger menu and options

For the wishlist: Unlike the horizontal menu and other controls the Hamburger menu does not have margin/padding control. and if you you make adjustments while on the general menu panel they do have...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 November 2019

Started 14 November 2019 by Doug G.

Ask a Question What is the framework

As Nicepage is not built on Bootstrap what is the framework it uses? Is it possible to run Bootstrap inside a Nicepage site so bootstrap functionality can be used?
7 Replies
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Latest By Giumarr

18 November 2019

Started 14 November 2019 by

Ask a Question Still having problems with the footer after installing

Good day My previous unatended ticket number 51712 refer. I still have problems with the footer of my template. I cretated the footer as per template and when I installed the template the footer is...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 November 2019

Started 17 November 2019 by Domain Host Pro Admin

Ask a Question Any way how to create upper/bottom index in text field?

Hello all, is there any way, how to type into any text field (therefore also into Title, Headline, Sub-Headline, Text, etc...) upper index or bottom index characters? I need to type simple ad for flat...
12 Replies
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Latest By michal84

21 September 2020

Started 18 November 2019 by michal84

Wishlist Improvements for white label.

Hello. Greatly appreciate the changes I requested for a white label. It looks like they were done, but there are several things that could improve to make it really a white-label component. 1- When...
11 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

07 February 2020

Started 19 November 2019 by aplicacioneswebs

Ask a Question We need some tutorials about how to implement/insert certain PHP or other codes to develop some kind of things...

Hello, Nicepage Team! Maybe this would be a matter that you´re at the top of your heads about... I think. But, Nicepage still claims to be "the ultimate website builder for no coders"... So, there...
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By LGALLP

26 May 2021

Started 20 November 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Sidebar

I've currently installed both virtuemart and hikashop starter in order to decide which one is best. Now on the menu item "webshop" i'd like to show a shopping cart module. To that...
5 Replies
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Latest By Ch3vr0n

14 June 2020

Started 20 November 2019 by Ch3vr0n

Ask a Question font sizes on mobile devices

I remember reading in the release notes a while back that for responsive modes, there would be improved support for fonts. Is this implemented yet? Should I need to go through each mode and adjust...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2019

Started 21 November 2019 by marcus60

Ask a Question Upgrade to version 1.23.3 crashes

Hello, good night! After my purchase of the software Nicepage I install the version 1.0.85, after this an upgrade to version 1.9.5, without problems. Today don't have sucess in the upgrade for the...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 November 2019

Started 22 November 2019 by lazeredo

Ask a Question Do you have a free trial for even a couple of days?

Do you have a free trial for even a couple of days?
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2024

Started 23 November 2019 by esther21

Report a bug Nicepage v2.0.2 - Header issues.

On my first use of this version, everything looked as it did in the previous version until I got to the mobile view. Those appeared as of if the header had exploded vertically and I resized mobile...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 November 2019

Started 25 November 2019 by Doug G.

Ask a Question Slideshow is not in full screen on large screens and iPad

Hi, I have a slideshow that I created with Nicepage which I would like to display in full screen, no matter the device. I have found however, that when I preview my website on an iPad or a large...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

27 November 2019

Started 26 November 2019 by siebecooreman2