Report a bug opentable widget

the widget for open table doesn't appear in the editor, only in site preview - and I am working on the mac desktop app version 3.0.6. Not too sure if this problem exists on the builders or other...
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2020

Started 24 November 2020 by casiousfatious

Ask a Question Product Details old price check box; old price not displayed at front end

Hi, im building up a one product store and i want to show old price in the main page product price section. I checked the check box "old Price" and i published it. in my backend editor mode i can see...
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Latest By Support Team

27 November 2020

Started 25 November 2020 by office1962

Ask a Question remove footer

Hi I need to remove the footer ! Free Website Templates created with Offline Website Builder Software .
7 Replies
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Latest By Nandolgz

24 May 2023

Started 27 November 2020 by patlandry

Ask a Question Search result page

Hello! What should I change to the code in order the woocommerce search-result page to ovewrite the nicepage-post template?
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2020

Started 28 November 2020 by konstantinos

Ask a Question Read More and Theme Colour Bug

Two problems I've noticed with Nicepage (using v 3.0.9): If you're using a "Blog Posts" block and change the "read more" button to something else (such as "listen"), even though the editor shows the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 December 2020

Started 30 November 2020 by shane53

Ask a Question Nicepage lagging

Hello, I recently purchased nicepage a few days ago and I think it's an awesome page builder! Very unique idea and much different from other page builders. However the lag times are making it almost...
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By mafusail1900

10 December 2023

Started 02 December 2020 by keyleadsllc

Ask a Question cannot export html in basic plan

Hello, why i cannot export html in basic plan??
19 Replies
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28 July 2022

Started 07 December 2020 by luka.cigale02

Ask a Question Button is stripped of Javascript in normal Joomla article

I discovered today that if I used the following Javascript code with a button in a Joomla Article on a website with a Nicepage v 3.1.0 Template that the function is stripped from the button. Using...
7 Replies
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Latest By cm6

11 December 2020

Started 08 December 2020 by cm6

Ask a Question cant export

want to add this to the desktop application as the site is being too slow but the export option only says premium only
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18 February 2022

Started 20 December 2020 by r-w-f

Wishlist Themler Development

Hello, I used Artisteer for many years, then switched to Themler. I decided to try Nicepage-my personal opinion is "a very inconvenient," raw " software solution! I repeat - this is only my personal...
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2020

Started 22 December 2020 by detkovo

Ask a Question New Theme not replacing old menu

I have completely re mapped all my menus in Nicepage Desktop. And made some header adjustments as well. Exported a new theme and uploaded it to WordPress. I can load the new theme with no problems and...
7 Replies
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Latest By gusmarrero

30 December 2020

Started 23 December 2020 by gusmarrero

Ask a Question export

Hello have mentioned that we can export to html in free version but it's not possible for me. not in web version and neither in windows version. 2.another problem is my project in web version...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 December 2020

Started 24 December 2020 by faridfedora

Ask a Question Nice page to be used on a local host

Hi, I installed Nice Page on a local host site (under wamp server) for testing new themes and pages. Cannot load Nicepage even when logged in into my account Get an error message asking me to reload...
12 Replies
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17 January 2021

Started 30 December 2020 by Piluche

Ask a Question compra de dominio

buenas tardes estimados mi consulta es la siguiente si comprando el dominio en no tendría problemas de publicar mi dominio .cl con el sitio el cual hice con ustedes y si no cuales son los...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

02 January 2021

Started 30 December 2020 by franciscoadasmequintanilla

Ask a Question Modal Popup Removal

I have added a modal popup but then tried to remove it. I have gone into themes modal popup and deleted but they will not remove they keep popping up. I want to remove them all together ?
11 Replies
3 Votes

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27 July 2021

Started 03 January 2021 by admin4762