Ask a Question logo in header in blog and post template

Hi I've created at site in nicepage, exported and uploaded and everything looks fine except that the logo icon is still there in the blog and post page as well as the logo it self as it looks like in...
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Latest By Support Team

05 August 2020

Started 03 August 2020 by mail18

Ask a Question a banner whit a nice page logo is in my export?

a banner whit a nice page logo is in my export?
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04 August 2020

Started 03 August 2020 by networking

Ask a Question Texte exposant/indice et changement de couleurs

Bonjour. Sera t'il possible de changer la couleur du texte indépendamment dans le même bloc (Ex. : changer la couleur d'un mot) et de prévoir la possibilité de mettre du texte en exposant et/ou en...
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Latest By Support Team

05 August 2020

Started 04 August 2020 by sourismoi

Ask a Question Icon in the description text in gallery

Hello, I would like add icon in the text description in the gallery block. Is there a way to do it ? Regard, Jean-Marc
2 Replies
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Latest By jeanmarcvieux

05 August 2020

Started 04 August 2020 by jeanmarcvieux

Ask a Question paste in text field

Hi there, can someone help me figure out copy and paste styles as plain. How can I past in text from Google docs as plain text, when pasted, the format becomes bold. I can't understand why the text...
5 Replies
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31 August 2022

Started 09 August 2020 by dan1924

Ask a Question Responsive design problem on tablet and mobile

Hello Nicepage, I am happy of your product, really. But I am currently building a site I am having difficulties with, regarding the responsive part. I have a cell grid, in which the text, keeps...
5 Replies
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15 August 2020

Started 14 August 2020 by jannikhs90

Report a bug Cannot change text in block content in grid in footer

I've got a footer consisting of a grid with 3 panes. The first one has a block in it, with a block header and block content. It is impossible to get into the content or the header to change the text....
3 Replies
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17 August 2020

Started 15 August 2020 by manuel.lamiroy2

Ask a Question text to hyperlink is making a button automatically

Why is it that if we have text and we make that text a hyperlink, nicepage then is making it a button automatically? We don't want it to do that, we want it to just leave the hyperlink as text. Using...
38 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By wayback1

02 February 2023

Started 18 August 2020 by ifawcett

Ask a Question menu and logo z-index

Is there a way to determine which element is on top? My menu is partially covered my a logo with a transparent background. So you can see the menu but only a very small portion of it can actually be...
3 Replies
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08 September 2022

Started 04 September 2020 by fred_wehnert2

Ask a Question Text links in Show Text On Hover in Gallery

Hi I would like to add clickable links on Text On Hover in Gallery. Each line of text will lead to different link. How can i do that? Many thanks.
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17 September 2020

Started 12 September 2020 by cmlou

Ask a Question update the smartphone version with the new text

hello, I made an update of my text on wodpress, I am able to see the changes on my laptop but I don't see any change on the smartphone. I have done the update on all the formats but I don't see any...
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14 September 2020

Started 12 September 2020 by nadianourdine.avocat

Ask a Question Is there a way to protect email addresses that are into text?

Hi, Nicepage Team. Wish you a good day. I have some email addresses in text format that go in some pages, so How can I protect those emails from spam attacks? Is that posible into Nicepage? or Do...
5 Replies
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28 September 2020

Started 25 September 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Vertical text

How can i make vertical text or rotate image(text) ? Как сделать вертикальный текст ?
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Latest By milan.kosir

27 July 2022

Started 28 September 2020 by marchenkoartem2

Ask a Question Whitelabel shows nicepage logo at Wordpress Themes

Hi together, have the ultimate white label edition. If i install the nicepage theme which i created at clients domain, then i get shown the nicepage logo at wordpress themes (I dont mean the...
10 Replies
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09 October 2020

Started 05 October 2020 by mikegoetz542

Report a bug whole blocks and text disappear and responsivness between devices doesnt work at all

I dont know why but when i switch between devices, whole blocks seems to disappear, some text seems to disappear and dont talk about text formating which is total mess. When I fix something at one...
8 Replies
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03 August 2023

Started 06 October 2020 by marek.bastyr