Report a bug Header Logo and icon issue

HI, We're trying to generate a responsive one-page website with Nicepage Template. But facing a major problem while adding Logo and Icons on the top header. As we like to add Logo on the left-top,...
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Latest By Support Team

24 December 2020

Started 23 December 2020 by PNAFI

Report a bug Preformatted text loses line breaks

When using the <pre> tag in an HTML element, the result looks okay in the WYSIWYG editor but the line breaks are stripped out in the browser. An odd indent is also added at the front. If you...
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2020

Started 26 December 2020 by drewc

Ask a Question Rich Text

Hello team, a question about rich text (I know its still in beta) What I notice: Texts written with rich text don t disappear behind a block when it says "Sticky when scrolling", but always lies in...
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Latest By Support Team

05 January 2021

Started 28 December 2020 by ermac

Report a bug Rich text is displayed over the sticky header when scrolling.

Hi, I have found a bug with rich text. When I set the header to be sticky when scrolling the rich text is displayed above the header. This does not happen with normal text. I hope you can fix this...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2021

Started 28 December 2020 by josa.spam2

Report a bug Use of Rich Text with Sticky Header

When I use Rich Text with Sticky Header together the text is on top of the header while scrolling My CSS Work-Around: Change z-index from z-index:99999; to z-index:10; for the element which contains...
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Latest By Support Team

04 January 2021

Started 31 December 2020 by inthanet

Report a bug Recent versions of NicePage don't allow simple text hyperlinks - VERY BAD BUG!!

This is a really bad bug, which breaks my older templates and pages. Older versions of Nicepage allowed us to create text hyperlinks, which is one of the most basic things one should be able to do...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 April 2021

Started 06 January 2021 by Douglas Vos

Ask a Question Replace the text read more

How can I replace the "read more" tag in the content of the post with text appropriate for the language of the page. Best Regards, Darek
4 Replies
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Latest By dariusz.kowalski

15 June 2021

Started 09 January 2021 by dariusz.kowalski

Ask a Question When I type letters in footer text typing parts, some cells are not selected to type letters.

Hi, When I type letters in footer text typing parts, some cells are not selected to type letters. How to solve this problem ? Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

18 January 2021

Started 18 January 2021 by syonline

Wishlist Nicepage 3.4: January 20, 2020 - Multi-Column Blog Template. HTML Blog and Rich Text Improvements

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to present the new update of Nicepage 3.4. What's New in This Update? Blog in WordPress, Joomla, and HTML Blog Template StylesMulti-Column Blog...
8 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By avtal

27 January 2021

Started 20 January 2021 by Support Team

Ask a Question rich text on 3.4.2 wont let me change text size

rich text on 3.4.2 wont let me change text size
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2021

Started 25 January 2021 by dcundy57

Ask a Question Текст во фрейме с прокруткой

Добрый день. У меня вопрос: нужно сделать тест с прокруткой как это реализовани на сайте - Это внизу страницы. Вот скриншот этого скролинга:...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2021

Started 01 February 2021 by omnibox.sales

Ask a Question its possivel to cretate a hyperlink to container or text that exist in other page (same site)

Hou to create a hyperlink to a expecific container ou text in another page
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Latest By Support Team

03 February 2021

Started 02 February 2021 by gojuryu

Ask a Question Textos en Acordeon

Hola, una pregunta, donde puedo encontrar la opción n de acordeón? para poder colocar textos que se despliegue, gracias
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 05 February 2021 by web5162

Report a bug How do you change text copy?

If someone does not tell me how to change the fucking text copy, I am going to continue to open support tickets until I get an answer. And, I will keep everything public since your customer service...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2021

Started 05 February 2021 by administration522

Report a bug Setting attributes for a Group affects the text alignments.

Setting attributes for a Group affects the text alignments. If I set a group with text to allign in "Left", and "Top", then the text jumps to those settings instead of keeping its "Left" and...
2 Replies
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Latest By THB

08 February 2021

Started 08 February 2021 by THB