Ask a Question search text renaming

hi! Where (in whitch file, place) can i change text in search box? Wordpress template. In blog template and post template this search box translating automaticly, but not home page. Please help
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11 May 2022

Started 27 April 2020 by ask.artur2

Wishlist sliders and colors

Hi, I'm quite convinced by the builder (I use it now for about 2 weeks, I believe, on my website Still some details are quite frustrating : here are two points that I can think about now :...
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02 May 2020

Started 02 May 2020 by bellaing2

Ask a Question Multiple text colours on a title or text item

I am trying to have a multi coloured title line for example This is RED and this is BLUE But when I highlight the word RED and change it's colour to red all the text in the heading turns red. This...
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25 May 2020

Started 23 May 2020 by Tony

Ask a Question logo picture

I have built a design for a website: The design was exported to a HTML folder (see volleybaldingen-01.PNG) and then uploaded with Filezilla. In...
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Latest By kees

26 May 2020

Started 26 May 2020 by kees

Ask a Question Newbie struggling with menu logo

Hi Im a Nicepage newbie struggling with menu logo. When I preview this is what i get a broken picture symbol as shown in the attached jpg: I have been through the settings but i cant find where i...
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Latest By NiceGary

01 June 2020

Started 30 May 2020 by NiceGary

Ask a Question Mailto: to text change colour

hi i am adding email text link. and when i add a link to a text a ie the text turns blue is there any way i can turn it back to black .think this should be simple but cant...
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16 March 2021

Started 06 June 2020 by mickymillward1

Ask a Question Hover effect to text

Hi can you write me some hover effect to text Some regular os cool effect. Thank you
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09 June 2020

Started 08 June 2020 by ddnevne

Ask a Question Change logo in sticky header on scroll

I would like to change the logo on the menu when scrolling. How can I do it? Thanks.
6 Replies
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Latest By youngrichu

27 July 2021

Started 18 June 2020 by gotoemailnow

Ask a Question Changement couleur texte

Bonjour. Sera t'il possible à l'avenir de pouvoir modifier la couleur d'un mot ou d'un caractère indépendamment dans le même bloc texte ? Merci.
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Latest By Support Team

25 June 2020

Started 25 June 2020 by sourismoi

Ask a Question Randomize text blocks

Hi, I'm building a website for a holiday resort and want to add customer reactions and rankings. My idea is to randomize 3 text blocks so that the visitor sees different reactions when (re)visiting...
2 Replies
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Latest By j@zz

01 July 2020

Started 30 June 2020 by j@zz

Ask a Question Change text checkbox

Hello, we would like to change the text on the text flag. Unfortunately I can't find any information where to do that. The translation is not nice. Unfortunately the link in the text next to the...
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Latest By ralf.roppelt

13 July 2020

Started 11 July 2020 by ralf.roppelt

Ask a Question Center Logo Menu

Hi, Why are there no right and left menu items in the middle logo menu? Example: Download Review Templates Premium Forums Blog Thanks.
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14 October 2021

Started 15 July 2020 by WebDesigner88

Ask a Question textediting

Is there anyway to do baseline shift in a text. For example if I would like to express cubic centimeters like cm2, with the number 2 "small and up in the corner". regards Kay
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Latest By webxsite

16 July 2020

Started 16 July 2020 by ppc.kay2


Can we get a feature that enables us to lock up a website's photos and copy-written text and prevents them from being lifted or otherwise downloaded from our site? With the flip of a switch?
2 Replies
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Latest By Ch3vr0n

20 July 2020

Started 18 July 2020 by pbnjface

Ask a Question Licenses

Hello, if I create something for a customer and completely create the website for him. Will he be able to exchange text and pictures later? So pictures that he uploads himself. If I start with Pro,...
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29 July 2020

Started 28 July 2020 by danieljung80