Mailto: to text change colour

15 Posts
mickymillward1 posted this 06 June 2020
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hi i am adding email text link. and when i add a link to a text a ie the text turns blue is there any way i can turn it back to black .think this should be simple but cant find it

hi i am adding email text link. and when i add a link to a text a ie the text turns blue is there any way i can turn it back to black .think this should be simple but cant find it
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15 Posts
mickymillward1 posted this 06 June 2020

all good i fund how to change it must have looked for an hour or so .come back next day and found it 2 mins

all good i fund how to change it must have looked for an hour or so .come back next day and found it 2 mins
Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 June 2020

Hi Michael,

Nice to hear that everything is fine now, feel free to contact us on any occasion.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Michael, Nice to hear that everything is fine now, feel free to contact us on any occasion. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
3 Posts
gary1622 posted this 12 March 2021

all good i fund how to change it must have looked for an hour or so .come back next day and found it 2 mins

Can you share?

> all good i fund how to change it must have looked for an hour or so .come back next day and found it 2 mins Can you share?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 16 March 2021

After you created a link, select your e-mail link, on the right panel you will see the "Color" option.
Click on the square under the "Color" option and choose the color you like.

If you need to make only part of your text a link - please select a part of your text you need to convert into the link.
After that click on the link icon that will appear over the text and specify options for your link, change color if needed as in the example above.
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, After you created a link, select your e-mail link, on the right panel you will see the "Color" option. Click on the square under the "Color" option and choose the color you like. If you need to make only part of your text a link - please select a part of your text you need to convert into the link. After that click on the link icon that will appear over the text and specify options for your link, change color if needed as in the example above. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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