Wishlist Access to joomla images folder

While creating and editing articles in Joomla with the nicepage plugin, no access is possible to link to images and other medias (e.g. pdf) that already are in the main joomla images folder. It must...
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Latest By Support Team

11 January 2022

Started 17 January 2019 by michel.de.rougemont

Ask a Question stock images

I have the Business Edition, why not risco to download the 30 images a day? Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2019

Started 16 February 2019 by paolo.sabella

Ask a Question Crashes, Images corrupting in IE, Edge

Hi, I just noticed that in Internet Explorer and Edge, images in my page are warped (IE) or blurry (Edge) - see attached live screen shots. These are all set rotate in, using animations, and the...
9 Replies
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Latest By vjera.mise

10 October 2020

Started 25 February 2019 by lynchtechny

Ask a Question Bilder beschriften

Wie kann ich Bilder beschriften?
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 February 2019

Started 27 February 2019 by marni

Ask a Question Social & Web Image Search Results

Hi, Is there a problem in Social & Web images searches? Too few images in search results.
5 Replies
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Latest By Mufasa

06 March 2019

Started 02 March 2019 by Mufasa

Wishlist About Video Fill

Video features can be added to the video fill. I have added screenshot in attachments.
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01 April 2022

Started 11 March 2019 by Mufasa

Ask a Question Sliders

I started a webpage and was using three slides on first page. I set it up as a slider and not a slide on a section. However, all was well until a few days ago and noticed my text had disappeared from...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2019

Started 17 March 2019 by Jeff Hartley

Ask a Question Responsive mode not nice!

I noticed that in desktop mode my images look fine but in all other modes they look bigger and narrower (not flattering at all) and it’s very difficult to correct this and also the writhing.. Isn’t it...
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Latest By Support Team

18 March 2019

Started 17 March 2019 by audrayp

Report a bug Can't Delete Images in Thumbnail

Hello, I just upgraded to the latest version of Nicepage and I still cannot delete old images from inside wordpress. The images are there, I don't need them and I cannot delete them, there is no...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 March 2019

Started 25 March 2019 by kenneth.lang

Ask a Question Image issue in explorer

Okay more freaking surprises with this program and 9 hours until client presentation ! When testing my site in Explorer I get distortions of my logo pngs on all pages. Lines are showing up on all of...
3 Replies
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09 April 2019

Started 08 April 2019 by joseff.publik

Report a bug v1.4.2 Links on images or text to internal pages not saving

v1.4.2 on Windows 10 Have "Our Team" style page. Click an image, click Link icon. Give link a Title, then select a URL from the Pages list, ex.: Page1. See Page1 now in URL box. Click Done...
23 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 April 2019

Started 08 April 2019 by gerry2

Ask a Question Footer images auto adjust and cut off within Nicepage and Joomla template

Every time I adjust the position and size in each view of the footer per device. When I go back to pages on each device view I just adjusted in Nicepage. This issue shows up ( see attached picture )...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 April 2019

Started 08 April 2019 by EvanH

Ask a Question Testing features

Good morning, I am testing features I need to build a new website and have questions: If I create a website directly in Nicepage, can I upload to my own domain and hosting provider? Can I embed...
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09 April 2019

Started 09 April 2019 by teddy202

Ask a Question Change image name

How do I change or choose the image name in the templates? https://prnt.sc/na1j86 https://prnt.sc/na1jny Thank you
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 April 2019

Started 10 April 2019 by JPR

Ask a Question Website picking images from development server

Hi, We have just launched our site - https://www.telestore.ca, the site is hosted on SiteGround.com - however I see the site is loading quite slowly. When I ran a speed test using...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 April 2019

Started 15 April 2019 by gulamc