Ask a Question Joomla 4.1 Update - Potential conflict with Nicepage modules

I have one site that I have Nicepage installed on that is using Joomla 4. It is flagging potential conflicts with three Nicepage modules when inviting me to update Joomla 4.0.6 to Joomla 4.1. These...
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Latest By Support Team

03 October 2022

Started 15 February 2022 by chris693

Ask a Question Joomla Nicepage extension installation

Hi How do I add the Nicepage Joomla extension to Joomla? I have watched the video on the link: but it is outdated. There is no Extensions function anymore...
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2022

Started 16 February 2022 by 082607

Ask a Question Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 Upgrade - no Desktop Template

How do i do an upgrade from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 when the Template was done mostly with the Nicepage Plugin - there is no actual version of the template in Desktop Application.
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2022

Started 16 February 2022 by kopp.infotech

Ask a Question loggin in not working

Hi there, I have installed Joomla 4 on a new sub domain and added the latest nicepage extension, but it won't let me login.
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2022

Started 16 February 2022 by immicardy

Ask a Question Is there a way to restore a project file form the template?

Hello, I've lost a project file of one of my customers website. It is not available in the Desktop Version of Nicepage anymore. Did not find it on my hard drive. Must have been lost, or...
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2022

Started 16 February 2022 by KAIROS

Ask a Question Joomla 4 template

Hello, I'm working with Joomla V3 and V4. When creating a new theme I export the the theme or the "Export Site" function and choose which Joomla Version I need. That works great. There will be a...
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2022

Started 16 February 2022 by KAIROS

Ask a Question Difference between Business and Pro

What is the difference between the "Designer App Pack" and the "Web App with Hosting + Designer App Pack"? This language is really confusing and convoluted. We are business of about 30-50 people...
7 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

17 February 2022

Started 16 February 2022 by shosconstruction

Report a bug Animate back on scroll

Hi, With the new version Nicepage 4.5 "Animate on scroll" seems not to work anymore. See image and project. Kind regards, Frank Gijsen Standby Computer Support
12 Replies
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15 August 2023

Started 16 February 2022 by fmd.gijsen

Ask a Question Feedback

I am suggesting that you add, "If you are having a problem between your trial version and the plan you purchased, sign out and then sign back in." I have had problem of my trial account where I used...
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2022

Started 16 February 2022 by krisicat

Wishlist Vertical menu

please add vertical menu + styles for the sidebar elements
2 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Vitaliy WD

17 February 2022

Started 17 February 2022 by FOXIK

Ask a Question back-up and restore

Do I understand correctly that a page or project backup cannot be restored under a personal license, only with a 129$ business license? Tell me this is not true ...
6 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

18 February 2022

Started 17 February 2022 by capung

Report a bug my menu is not showing

Hello, I use nicepage in extension on Joomla but I have a problem that I can't solve. My menu is not displayed on my website, nor is it present (I cannot click on it). however I have created my menu...
14 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 January 2023

Started 18 February 2022 by

Ask a Question Is nicepage theme compatible with PHP 7.4?

Hi, Is nicepage theme is compatible with PHP 7.4 version? Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2022

Started 18 February 2022 by foreverglowupshop

Ask a Question Page Insights - Speed - Wordpress - tips - what about you ?

I have looked but cant find any tips on how to get a better with Google Page Insights when you have a generic wordpress site with nicepage plugin. here is what I use - and I still have issues with a...
7 Replies
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Latest By Giumarr

22 October 2022

Started 18 February 2022 by voodoo

Report a bug copy paste not working

Hi out there, I have the latest nicepage version. In the page settings I can not copy and paste the google recatptcha key with the right mousekey In all my other programms it works but not in...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2022

Started 20 February 2022 by elektroknecht4