
Webmaster Kolping Warendorf
3 Posts
Webmaster Kolping Warendorf posted this 09 February 2022
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I'm trying to put a link on a single word in a Text. when I mark the word and then go to Hyperlink the complete text is linked and not the single word.
How can I get round this?

Hi, I'm trying to put a link on a single word in a Text. when I mark the word and then go to Hyperlink the complete text is linked and not the single word. How can I get round this?
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4 Replies
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Vitaliy WD
179 Posts
Vitaliy WD posted this 09 February 2022


It's happens in Design Page or in Edit Content mode? In every section with text or in specific one? What version of Nicepage?

Hi. It's happens in **Design Page** or in **Edit Content** mode? In every section with text or in specific one? What version of Nicepage?
Webmaster Kolping Warendorf
3 Posts
Webmaster Kolping Warendorf posted this 09 February 2022

in design mode, version Nicepage 4.4.3

in design mode, version Nicepage 4.4.3
Webmaster Kolping Warendorf
3 Posts
Webmaster Kolping Warendorf posted this 09 February 2022

and edit Content

and edit Content
Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 February 2022

Hello Clive,

Please tels us your steps
Do you select the word you want to transform into a hyperlink and click add a hyperlink button?

enter image description here

Does it's happening in every section with text or in a specific one?
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Clive, Please tels us your steps Do you select the word you want to transform into a hyperlink and click add a hyperlink button? ![enter image description here][1] Does it's happening in every section with text or in a specific one? ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
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