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Come utilizzare l'elemento Torna all'inizio in una pagina Web

Consenti ai visitatori e agli utenti del tuo sito di scorrere indietro fino alla parte superiore della pagina senza problemi. È un dettaglio minore che migliora l'esperienza di navigazione su un sito web o su una lunga landing page.

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Why Do You Need the Back-To-Top Website Element?

Adding the Back To Top website element is a good idea, as It allows your site visitors and users to scroll back to the top page smoothly. It becomes too excessive to scroll back up through content and screens when the page is very long (e.g., because of infinite scrolling). It's a minor detail that enhances the navigation experience on a website or long landing page. This element makes the user experience more comfortable and well-looking. Go to our online editor, and you will know how to create the Back To Top button, which will use a small place and will do a great job. In this case, the main thing we need to do is provide a smooth scrolling toward the top when pressing the button. Our editor allows matching the great font button to your template. You don't need to enter the email address to use our tool or sign up, so you can control the button's position, fill it, control spacing, and get the font awesome icons for the button.

The back-to-top button makes the website usable, and you can quickly go to the top of the website. If you don't know how to add your Back To Top button element, don't worry, our online editor will help you in this case. The back to a top button which allows scroll back without additional controls is convenient. You will not worry anymore about questions, like adding the back-to-top button for your WordPress website. You can build a modern website design and create unique web pages for social networks to nicely show icons, related posts, email addresses, and so on. You can add the Back To Top element button to your webpage, etc. Our instrument support WordPress themes, so you don't need to create a new file. The tool's latest updated functions add more and more features. Similar to Elementor pro, it allows comfortable positioning for the lower right hand. We'll add more and more features for your convenience, and you will no longer have to think about how to create new icons, add elements to them, etc.

Place your back-to-top button in a sticky header on the top of your screen, and when the user scrolls down, he can easily find the button. You cannot move the Back To Top element around the page. It is always located at the bottom right corner of the page. However, you can control the bottom and proper offset of the element and other styling properties and icons via the right-side Properties panel or the Toolbar. The creating process of back to a top button using Elementor pro is very comfortable, but working with our tool is so. Share this article with your friends, and they will know how to create the Back To Top element easily, add this proper button to the website, and so on.