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A Legutóbbi bejegyzések widget használata a WordPresshez

Mutassa meg a legfrissebb bejegyzéseket címekkel, bélyegképekkel, szerzőkkel, kategóriákkal, dátumokkal stb. a WordPress-webhelyeken. Megadhatja, hogy megjelenjenek-e a dátumok a bejegyzésekkel együtt vagy sem, valamint a megjelenítendő bejegyzések száma.
A Legutóbbi bejegyzések widget használata a WordPresshez

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How To Add A Widget With Recent Posts

To be informed or keep in touch in your areas of interest, you need to see the latest posts from your preferred social media. You can apply the Recent Posts Widget, which will Show all Recent Posts with titles, thumbnails, authors, categories, dates, etc., on your WordPress websites. You can specify whether to show the dates with your posts or not and the number of posts to display. Also, you can customize this widget according to your needs, and you can change the background and border, specify how many posts you want to see, and so on.

You can display a Recent Posts Widget in the thumbnails plugin. List of a Smart Recent Posts Widget is greater today. How to manually display recent posts on the WordPress plugins. Pick the number of posts you need to show in the list of these Most Recent Posts. You can Page Sort all the latest posts from your newsfeed to display recent posts on your preferred site. Premium WordPress themes plugins give you exclusive recent posts widget extended version. In the list of favorite latest posts, you can choose your number of posts. The latest Posts will block some recent posts plugin. With recent smart posts, you can manage your social media page easily.

Latest Posts Gutenberg Block can be inserted in custom CSS to show the Display Post date or the author. Display post content includes a recent post widget, Date Comment Count, author Comment Count, recent smart posts, and so on. A recent post widget with Thumbnails plugin will transfer popular posts to your WordPress default widget with the recent blog posts. If Posts Widget With Thumbnails will not show featured images, just multiple post types (not much), or try again. Sign up on the home page to use recent smart posts. Log in to the home page to use the featured image for your recent smart posts. From the home page, you can display recent posts and display thumbnails.