How to use 1700+ Google Fonts on a website

Use over 1300 Google Fonts on your web pages. You can add Google Fonts in the Nicepage Applications, WordPress and Joomla Plugins.
How to use 1700+ Google Fonts on a website

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Use Google Fonts On Your Website Pages

You can use over 900 Google Fonts on your web pages. Choose the modern best Google Fonts for every website with Nicepage Applications, WordPress, and Joomla Plugins. Google Fonts is a wonderful resource for UX/UI designers, social media managers, and everyone who wants to create different styles. So, you can use free web fonts to create a nice UX design, mobile app page, website, and so on. You can use even 30 or 20 best google fonts and make your UX design more attractive. Also, you can choose one Google font or font family and use it on your website. Sans serif typeface is used in the different user interface elements, but it also works well for the smaller texts. Sans-serif typeface also is very useful to work with Slides and docs. This typeface also works well on the web and mobile devices. Many people are using google fonts library elements to test template look with different fonts, and you can use it also in our editor.

One of the main advantages of using Google fonts is that they work well on different devices, and it is very easy to use it. When you select a web font, you must consider many parameters, such as font weights and styles, the body text of your website, and so on. You can also download web fonts on your device, and if you are using the font for one website, use it for the next project very simple. If you add a single Google font for your site, you can include the CSS font-family rules in the body tag. Add only the font weights or styles you want, as the more fonts you put in, the more slowly they will be loaded on your site.

So many options you can find here. You can easily add a new font family (for example, minimalist sans-serif font), and you will see how it will look on different devices. Many fonts are made especially for mobile devices to wonder users with awesome fonts. You will have many advantages with using Google Fonts. Different styles of font families are available in our tool, and you can choose your favorite display font for header, titles, menu, etc. As we know, font families include different styles. For example, sans serif font designed using modern trends includes humanist, geometric, and neo-grotesque, so you have many choices to create a unique style. By the way, geometric sans serif is suitable for much possible use, from small titles to small paragraphs of text. As a rule, geometric sans-serif font is used in display contexts or text. Compared to attractive geometric sans-serif fonts such as Open Sans Roboto, many fonts are only used for certain purposes. The biggest division in fonts is between sans serif fonts and sans serif fonts.