Nicepage 2.30: Edit Content CMS Role. Rich Text/Article Element

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are delighted to release the new update of Nicepage 2.30 with the new Edit Content Role for WordPress and Joomla, Rich Text/Article Element (Beta), and Product Quantity Element, also Page Search in Pages, Linking to Blocks from Any Pages in WordPress Plugin and Joomla Extension, Quick Preview by Hiding UI Markers, Show/Hide for Panels,
new Block and Template Designs, and more.


Nicepage 2.29: Edit Content Mode. Product Tabs Element

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to release the new update of Nicepage 2.29. New Edit Content Mode and Product Tabs Element, hiding Property Panel, links to Blocks from Any Page, duplicating pages to any Project, Sheet Area Line through all Page Blocks, Add Element Menu optimized for Safari, and more.


Nicepage 2.28: Product List and Product Details Templates for WooCommerce and VirtueMart Themes

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are delighted to release the new update of Nicepage 2.28. Product List and Product Details Templates for WooCommerce and VirtueMart Themes, Zoom Effect for Product Image Gallery, Thumbnails Position for Image Gallery, Position and Alignment for Modal Popups, and more.

Product List Template example:


Product Details Template example:


Nicepage 2.27: New Gallery with Image Thumbnails. New Popup Events

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are glad to present to you the new update of Nicepage 2.27. New Gallery with Image Thumbnails, Modal Popup released, new Modal Popup events, Product Details for WooCommerce and VirtueMart released, new Product Image Gallery (beta), Product Variations, Color Transparency, Personal License changes, New Block and Template designs, and more.


Nicepage 2.26: New Modal Popup and Product Details

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to release the new update of Nicepage 2.26 with New Modal Popup Element and Product Details Element for WooCommerce and VirtueMart, arranging of the selected Elements, adding Icon to Shape, improved Edit Icon Dialog, find file in Edit Link dialog, icon styles for Slider Arrows, new Block and Template designs, and more.


Nicepage 2.25: New Shopping Cart Element for WooCommerce and VirtueMart

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to release the new update of Nicepage 2.25 with the new Shopping Cart icon, Products released, support for Featured Products, image wrapping in text, locking element proportions, improved Shapes and Icons in Add Panel, сonverting Elements to List Repeater, improved Alignment, new Block and Template designs, and more.


Nicepage 2.24: New WooCommerce and VirtueMart Products Element

Dear Nicepage Community! We are glad to present to you the new update of Nicepage 2.24. New WooCommerce and VirtueMart Products Element, page copy and paste, new Add Button, Group, and Text, Shape improvements, Icon In Text, Align for selected and all Elements, support for PNG and JPG icons, University video, new Block and Template designs, and more.


Nicepage 2.23: Copy and Paste Blocks in WordPress and Joomla

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are glad to present to you the new update of Nicepage 2.23. Copy and Paste Blocks in CMS, Image Slider Released, List Item Background, List and Image in Tablet Mode, Icon and Text in Responsive, Add Menu / Grid, Wrapping Links and Buttons in Text, Editing Text in Post Button, New University Video, New Design Blocks and Pages, and more.


Nicepage 2.22: New Image Slider Element

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to release the new Nicepage 2.22 update with New Image Slider Element (Beta), Slider Layout for Gallery, Circle Slider Indicators, Color and Size for Text Part, SEO: Canonical URL, Language and Country for Page, new University Videos, Design Blocks and Pages, and more.


Nicepage 2.21: New Slider Element

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to release the new Nicepage 2.21 update with New Slider Element (Beta), Video Upload in WordPress and Joomla, Lazy Loading for Videos and Background Images, Modified Zones for Element Switching, Adding Link and Button to Table, Dragging and Dropping of Tab Items, Table Cell Height, University Videos, New Block and Page designs and more.


Nicepage 2.20: SEO - Image Lazy Loading. WEBP Images

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are glad to present the new update of Nicepage 2.20 with Inline Inputs in Contact Form, New Tabs Styles Properties, Tab Designs Category, Text Link Color and Style, Menu Border Options, Table Cell Size, Using Buttons in Table Cells, SEO: Image Lazy Loading, Video Upload, WEBP Images, New Product Designs, Search in Documentation, Help in Add List, University Video, and more


Nicepage 2.19: New Tabs Element

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to announce the release of the new update of Nicepage 2.19 with the new Tabs Element (Beta). Also we did filtering of Blog Posts by tags, using List Element in Features, Products, Team blocks, new Products Block Category, links to files in WordPress and Joomla, and more.


Nicepage 2.18: Blog Posts. List Improvements.

Dear Nicepage Community and Followers! We are pleased to release the new update of Nicepage 2.18 with the New Blog Posts Element, List Improvements, Table Bold, Link and Icon, Upload and Download File, PDF, and more.


Nicepage 2.17: List Repeater. Table Released.

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to announce the release of the new Nicepage 2.17 with New List Repeater Element, Multi-Select for Table Сells, Wide Option for Table, Multi-Select Properties, New Template Section, Search Results, Presets for Icon List, University Video and more.


Nicepage 2.16: Contact Form, Table and List Improvements

Dear Nicepage Community and Followers! We are happy to release the new update of Nicepage 2.16 with Date Field Type for Contact Form, Table Feature Improvements, Table Presets, Table in Responsive Modes, Bulleted List with Icons, Login / Logout for WordPress and Joomla, Fixed Issues, University Tutorials, Block and Page Designs, and more.
