Wishlist language pages lock

Can you please introduce some lock option so when editing only text the master page layout will not change The design page is very sensitive to mouse selection, even gentle touch cause shift in...
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Latest By sprintbit

11 April 2024

Started 07 April 2024 by sprintbit

Ask a Question Menu in post page same as in home page

Hi support, I created a WordPress site with a static page as home-page. In this page I setted a menù with relative submenu items but in the single post page the menu appear different. In other pages...
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Latest By Support Team

08 April 2024

Started 08 April 2024 by ampero

Ask a Question Connexion nice page impossible depuis mis à jour de mon mac

Bonjour, J'ai fait une sauvegarde sur mon mac. Depuis je ne peux plus accéder à mon compte nice page ... amlangle.fr Merci de me proposer une solution. Cordialement Vincent Marly
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18 April 2024

Started 12 April 2024 by vincent.marly

Ask a Question How to modify the Page Password template

when I have installed the template in Joomla the password template is gone and the other templates are hidden. How to modify the Page Password template Jim
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2024

Started 15 April 2024 by Jim Moosmann - Fotograf

Ask a Question Problem with removing unwanted items from page

While creating a landing page, I started to see strange blue dots on individual pages ( screans in word file). Unfortunately, I can't remove them, because it deletes the whole box. Podaje adres strony...
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22 April 2024

Started 18 April 2024 by anna.frackowiak.kaczmarek

Ask a Question Red FATAL ERROR Page in Joomla 4.4.1 trying to update last version of nicepage

Hi, I've tried to update nicepage plugin inside my website and after a few Joomla respond with the red fatal error page instead to update the plug in, How can I solve it? RED FATAL ERROR:...
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Latest By Support Team

18 April 2024

Started 18 April 2024 by miosito2

Report a bug Duplicate page from one site to another causes existing site Theme to be overridden!

I have an existing site # 1 (with 4 pages) and Theme A (Red/White/Blue) If I am editing site # 2 (with 4 pages) and Theme B (Green/Yellow) and I use the duplicate page feature and select Site #1 as...
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2024

Started 19 April 2024 by Matt Dub

Ask a Question Edit Content of WP Pages

I want to edit the content of WP pages from nicepage editor plugin in the WP dashboard. But I cannot see it. Is there a way?
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2024

Started 19 April 2024 by tqanahteam

Ask a Question Render Joomla Content with Nicepage Page Template

Hallo zusammen, ich möchte den Inhalt eines Joomla-Beitrages mit dem Layout einer eingebauten Vorlage in Nicepage verbinden. D.h. Dier Inhalt des Joomla-Beitrages soll mit dem Design aus Nicepage...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 April 2024

Started 22 April 2024 by stephan.iglhaut2

Ask a Question Problem with menu on article page

Hi, how can i fix the problem with menu? on main page its okay : https://klinyenglish.pl/ and on every article page from blog its crashed. https://klinyenglish.pl/przerwa-wielkanocna-w-kec/ why?
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2024

Started 23 April 2024 by marketing3112

Ask a Question Link to a block on the main page from an other page

I have 1 large main page in Nicepage. And a number of other pages, including a page where activities are listed. Now I want to link per activity to a block on the main page. When I want to create a...
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Latest By Support Team

24 April 2024

Started 24 April 2024 by ideke

Ask a Question Two menus one page

I have two menus on a page, when I change one (even though they are named differently) the other changes, not what I want if I want a header and footer menu. Why is this?
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24 April 2024

Started 24 April 2024 by fsbisinsserv

Ask a Question Device related Pages not uploading correctly. Menu works on pCbut not on anyother device.

I've just completed the first pass of my first site using nicepage - but there are issues when uploaded to wordpress namely: the different formats the pages are publishied in are proving to be a deal...
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26 April 2024

Started 26 April 2024 by gordysadler

Ask a Question Multiple Videos on a single page

I want to put an array of videos on a single page. Either with popups or 1-1.
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30 April 2024

Started 27 April 2024 by randall@scherrer-adv.com

Ask a Question apply changes on one page to all pages

Hi I have updated one of my product pages. I would like to apply the changes to all pages with the same product grid. I have added 2 chat buttons but they are only on the one page
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Latest By Support Team

01 May 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by ferreiral772