Ask a Question Nicepage versioning changes

Hi, how i can see the versioning changes of nicepage Regards Vasilis
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Latest By Support Team

27 November 2020

Started 26 November 2020 by vasilios.louros

Report a bug Version 3.09 ERROR!

NO Puedo entrar a la version escritorio. jolines! cada vez que hay una nueva version tengo miedo! URGENTE por favor!!! Por otro lado tengo otra pregunta, desde hace tiemoo que no puedo encontrar...
11 Replies
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Latest By lauravalm

11 December 2020

Started 27 November 2020 by lauravalm

Ask a Question Upgrade to version 3

Hi, I am sorry, but I can not to upgrade directly from my account to version 3 with 60% discount... Why? Thanks for help and explanation V.P.
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29 November 2020

Started 28 November 2020 by PETRONIC s.r.o.

Ask a Question Help with online vs local version function

I just purchased V 9.0.9 PRO and installed using the home version on my PC. It is working fine. When I log in to the online version I do not see the same projects. Are the two locations PC vs online...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2020

Started 28 November 2020 by John Blomquist

Ask a Question Sites are disappear on the dashboard when I updated to newer version

Sites are disappear on the dashboard when I updated to newer version desktop version, the preference directory is the same, files are present still its not showing on the site dashboard this happened...
3 Replies
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Latest By k.shiju.k

02 December 2020

Started 28 November 2020 by k.shiju.k

Ask a Question The license is valid for nicepage 3 version?

Hi, I still have valid license till March, 2021, but I am wondering if I can upgrade from 2.x to 3.x version. I believe I can do this. Regards,
4 Replies
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30 November 2020

Started 29 November 2020 by

Ask a Question Is it possible to combine nicepage for wordpress and wordpress blog in paid version?

Hello, I have put together a Nicepage website with a few pages that I upload through Wordpress, which works fine (I currently use the free version, but have funding to pay for a subscription). Most...
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19 September 2022

Started 06 December 2020 by Dyi

Ask a Question Desktop version say use desktop version

I download desktop version since the wordpress plugin limit my needs. In the desktop app I get the same message. Please view on attach message
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07 December 2020

Started 06 December 2020 by talena68

Ask a Question Can't Open Nicepage desktop app after trying to upgrade to the latest version

Hello, I never have a problem opening Nicepage but since I wanted to do the last update to the new version, when I want to open Nicepage, I have an eternal blank page, nothing happens. See the...
4 Replies
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31 August 2022

Started 09 December 2020 by Pacifique Marketing

Report a bug in the mobile version, the slideshow arrows do not appear.

in the mobile version, the slideshow arrows do not appear.
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14 December 2020

Started 14 December 2020 by marinfabrega2

Report a bug Error Loading Page after updated to version 3.2.3

After updated to version 3.2.3, I'm not able edit one of my page, it just keeps on popping up "An error occurred. Reload Nicepage" Before update everything works just fine. Please help.
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15 September 2022

Started 21 December 2020 by cmlou

Ask a Question Carrusels on phone versions

Hello, I´ve been strugling with the view of my carrusels on the phone versions of the website. As in the larger screens you can see the arrows to change slide, in the smaller screens the arows...
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28 December 2020

Started 26 December 2020 by marketing.marcelodiaz.teatro

Ask a Question Export to HTML in online version

I'm trying to export to HTML but it tells me it's a premium feature. However, on your pricing plans it says export to HTML is included in free version
9 Replies
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05 January 2021

Started 26 December 2020 by D.FLETCHERMMUS

Ask a Question Just updated to latest version - now it wont load

Just upgraded to the latest version. I'm asked to restart NP - so I do - then I get (see attached) It says " Errro ENOENT: no such file or directory,...
16 Replies
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26 January 2021

Started 31 December 2020 by voodoo

Report a bug Recent versions of NicePage don't allow simple text hyperlinks - VERY BAD BUG!!

This is a really bad bug, which breaks my older templates and pages. Older versions of Nicepage allowed us to create text hyperlinks, which is one of the most basic things one should be able to do...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 April 2021

Started 06 January 2021 by Douglas Vos